The family

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The family was really weird. I have nothing against Christians or whatever. However, they were "non denominational" even though they went to a baptist school and their church was formerly baptist. They tried to force Ethan to do there but ew. They were extremely homophobic anti abortion. They also were super trumpies. Prayed before every meal but made up the prayers. Had bible study at their house just to play euchre. They lived on a bunch of land but are deadass cutting all of the trees down to heat their house. They only use half ply toilet paper because they have a septic tank but use wipes and flush them. They need to put one of their dogs down she can hardly walk and is in pain all of the time. They have a pond but they colored it? His parents hate the idea of sitting around and apparently drinking two beers a night makes his dad an alcoholic. They were super rude when I served them as a waitress. They didn't even tip me that well. They have a set amount to tip people regardless of the price. Like a hairdresser is $2 even if it's $100. Or if your meal is $100 they only tip $10 and there's like 5 of them. The brother, Andrew sucked. He was so rude and rolled his eyes at me when I said I had autoimmune issues so I'm being careful to protect my mom who is worse off. He thinks he knows everything about technology and tries to force his opinions on everyone because apparently his are right. His parents were nice but they were that strange nice like I hate you get out but in a nice way. They only ever ate chicken and it was always dry as fuck and they had a bowl of rice and beans all week as a snack and didn't keep junk food besides Oreos? If I was over I'd have to help put away groceries and clean up and shit. They also wiped all of their plates with paper towel and then rinsed them and then put them in the dishwasher. They would feed their dogs Taco Bell like a chicken quesadilla melt and then wonder why the dog threw up. They also made the dogs stay out in the garage all of the time. They forced him to work a certain amount of hours and showed up at his work and yelled at them if they didn't give him hours or he requested days off. His sister was alright she was cool but she was also weird too I think she's more accepting of them all but she's still a trumpie. I got along with her and she took me out to lunch before and stuff it was nice. I wouldn't feel well and lay down on the couch or whatever and I'd get asked to sit up since we weren't allowed to lay down. He also had a curfew so I had to leave by a certain time. If mikayala was over I could stay until her curfew. She was allowed to on vacations with them I was not. I was really awkward bc I knew everything I believed in was the opposite plus like Ethan Was so embarrassing. He'd lay his head on the table and get yelled at in front of me and like had no manners.

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