I cant even go in order

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So I remember I was eating dinner and they prayed again and I was like oh okay so this is an every time thing okay. Anyways so there were rules to us hanging out. I could not be in his bedroom, we could not lay down next to each other, and we could not be alone. So we'd go in the basement because Andrew pretty much lived in the bonus room. So I had gotten ok with them but I got a call and my parents were living in a motel and I had to stay with my grandparents and I had nowhere for my cats to go and they had no money. I remember excusing myself and crying and they paid for it because they offered us to stay there but they didn't want the cats in the house. So I was thankful for that. I never had to pay them back or anything. Anyways that basement. So god okay. So I remember one day I ate sherbet and then we kissed and he went mmmm your lips taste so good let me have some more. Mind you when making out he'd bite and not in the hot sexy way. Just mowing down in my face. Ew ugh god my lips would be all red and scratched I was afraid to go home. Another occasion, he went upstairs for I don't know why and he came down and we made out. I could not figure out why he tasted like ranch. Like it was so hard for me to keep going because I was so grossed out. It was his chapstick that he used from the dentist 😐. I finally figured it out. Anyways so I remember sucking his dick for the first time and the mother fucker kept hitting his dispo. His dick was a chode so it was like 5 in and 3 of my fingers wide. So there was no issue.

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