Chapter 9: Yua's past and the future of the family.

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(No POV)

Yua, Y/N, and Lily are in the living room, comforting Y/N and recovering from their fight. Yua wanted to make things right with her former enemy and most importantly, her kitten. 

Yua- Lily...

Lily- Hmm?

Yua- I...don't know how I can make up for the pain and mess I have caused. 

Lily- Well, you can start by helping me with Y/N, he is still a mess after what he just saw.

Lily was right, Yua needed to be the mother she was and so she cuddled with Y/N who was shaking from her touch at first but slowly stopped and hugged her tightly while sobbing. Yua always thought that she would never make her son cry or anything like that but she did it tonight and now she has to rethink her goals. Y/N then fell asleep from the crying and Yua carried Y/N to his room slowly and placed him in his bed, kissed him goodnight, and walked out of the room. Lily went to give him a kiss goodnight as well and normally this would make Yua angry but not this time. Yua and Lily then walked back to the living room, sat down, and didn't say one word to one another for a little while before Lily looked at Yua.

Lily- what's your story?

Yua- Huh?

Lily- I mean, how did you become human-like I did. I know about Project Demi and so do you, but many did by different means. For me, let's just say I went hunting for food at the wrong time. But I want to know about you cause I knew from the first time I saw you, you are..or was a common cat before, you couldn't be from the wild but some kind of adoption shelter. 

Yua- Your right, I was in a pet shelter but before I was in there...I was out there in the streets...alone.

Then Lily focused on Yua as she was about to tell her about her past.

(Yua's POV)


I don't know who my mother was but I all knew one night, it was raining and dark and I was all alone in a cardboard box that was covered in mud and filled with wrappers. I was looking for her and anything that could help me but nothing or anyone helped me. I was forced to steal from trashcans, eat crumbs from humans food and occasionally sneak into restaurants and have a feast basically. Eventually, I learned that I was on my own and no one was going to help me so I had to help myself to survive, so for the next few years was wandering from city to city, scavenging for food, and avoiding any humans as the best I could. My intense dislike for humans grew and grew as time went on but there was one feeling I always felt no matter what day it was, the feeling of being wanted. I would be in the parks where the older female humans were playing with their tiny humans and how they looked happy, at peace, and never had to worry about the loneliness I felt. I watched with curiosity but also with jealously, they were happy and I wasn't, but at the time there was nothing I could do about it. I thought that I was going to die in the streets but I was wrong cause one night while I was sleeping, I heard two humans walking by and I heard one got closer to where I was sleeping at. By the time I woke up, it was too late, they caught me with their big nets and brought me to a truck where there were other cats like me taking us somewhere. I woke up sometime later and I was in some kind of cage filled with toys, a food bowl, a water bowl, and a mini litter box. I didn't know where I was but all I cared about was the free food and luxuries I never had once in my life. As I looked around the place, three humans walked inside the room and headed to my cage, I acted cautious and kinda vicious towards them as I didn't trust them and thought they were gonna hurt me or something. No, instead they cleaned me, checked me for any illnesses, and all that. After that, they placed me in a small area where a big glass window was in front of me and there were many humans walking by and looking at me which I hissed at them and they walked away. For a long while, I was in that same box every day with the only time I was out was to eat, drink water, poop in the litter, and play with some toys in the end before being put back in and falling asleep going to do the same thing the next day. But one day was going to change as a human man took me out and carried me somewhere I didn't know what to expect, then we arrived at a room where there was a human man and woman who looked happy for some reason. I heard one of them say:

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