Chapter Eighteen - i love you

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•Alastor's POV:•
Y/N had fallen asleep in my arms. I smiled and held her bridal style. She looked so peaceful. I took her out her stuffy room to the main room.

Setting her on the new sofa. Angel immediately rushed over to check on his little sister.

"Did she tell you why she hid?" Charlie asked, I looked over my smile still plastered on my face. I nodded. "It was because of I. I nearly killed her on the night of the full moon. She needed a glass a water." I said calmly. Angel glared at me.

"YOU WHAT!" He shouted, I put my hand up. "I did not hurt her my fellow friend. I would never do such a thing to a beautiful flower-" I was cut of by Angel.

"Beautiful flower?" Angel asked, my cheeks turned red just like my clothes and hair. "Do you, like my sister?" Angel asked. I sighed and nodded.

"I do, but I had never felt such a way for someone." I admitted. I hit my chest a couple of times.

Angel sighed and touched my shoulder, "I will support you being with her. But if you hurt her I swear on my god damn life I will kill you." Angel threatened me. I smirked and nodded.

"It's a deal?" I asked, he shook my hand.

Y/N groaned as she sat up, Vagatha, Charlie and Angel all hugged her. After an hour or two I pulled Y/N away. I covered her eyes with a white handkerchief and took her to a room.

I removed the handkerchief as she opened her eyes. It was a field full of F/C flowers. I sat her down and held her hands.

"Y/N, I need to tell you something. I- I love you. I have for a while and I want to be with you." I said shortly.

Her eyes widened as she smiled and kissed me. I flutter my eyes closed and took hold of the back of her head. And deepened the kiss.

"I love you too Alastor." Y/N smiled. I couldn't help but blush even more. And thank myself for being so lucky to have ever met...

A fallen angel

The end

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