Chapter Thirteen - Husk

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•No Ones POV:•
Another green light appeared as a loud thud was heard.

A dark voice was mumbling, so you looked over to see some cat with wings; Husk!

"The hell, what the fuck is this?" Husky asked. Just looked up and saw Alastor. He pointed at Alastor. Your hears were now covered by Vaggies hands.

"You!" Husk said.

"Aaah, Husker my good friend, glad you could make it!" Alastor, smiled. Nothing out the ordinary.

"Don't you 'Husker' me you son of a Bitch, I was about to win the whole damn pot!" Husk shouted, pointing at the gambling game he was doing.


"Good to see you too!" Alastor said nicely.

Husk face palmed himself, "what the hell do you want with me this time?" Husk sounded tired of Alastor's constant shit.

"My friend I'm doing some charity work so I took it upon myself to volunteer your services, I hope that's okay." Alastor wrapped his arm around husk.

"Are you shittin' me?" Husk asked. "Hmm, no I don't think so." Alastor shook his head. Husk pushed Alastor off him.

"You thought it would be some kind of big fucking riot just to pull me out of nowhere! You think I'm some kind of fucking clown?!" Husk shouted.

"Maybe." Alastor admittedly said.

"I ain't doing no fucking charity job." Husk crosses his arms and looked away.

Alastor piped up behind him, "well I figured you would be the perfect face to man the front desk of this fine establishment! With your charming smile and welcoming energy this job was made for you." Alastor forced a smile on Husks face and walked towards the front desk.
"Don't worry my friend. I can make this more welcoming, if you wish." Out of no where Alastor made some Cheap booze. Which was sitting on the front desks counter. Just waiting to be picked up.

Husk stares at the Cheap Booze. "What? You think you can fire me with a wink and some cheap booze?! Well you can!" Husk said grabbing the booze and drinking it. Going to sit behind the desk.

"Hey hey! Hey hey hey, no, no bar, no alcohol! This is supposed to be a place that discourages sin! Not some kind of.. now... brothel.. man cav-" Vaggie was interrupted by Angel crashing into her.

"SHUT UP! Shut. Up. We are keeping this." Angel said pointing at Husk behind the desk.

"Hey~" Angel said in a flirty tone as he climbed the desk, ignoring that Y/N stood there next to Alastor. Y/N and Alastor just having a simple conversation.

"Go fuck your self." Husk moved away from Angel as Angel only scotched closer to Husk. "Only if you watch me-" Angel was interrupted by Charlie.

"Oh my gosh! Welcome to the happy hotel! You are going to love it here." Charlie climbed through desk, invading Husk's personal space.

"I lost the ability to love years ago." Husk said drinking more of his cheap booze.

"So what do you think?" Alastor cut in. "This is amazing! Ah!" Charlie screeched of excitement.

"It's okay.." Vaggie's arms were crossed.

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