The First Sighting

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It was around 10 when Poland saw it, it seemed that no one else knew about it there was a light in the sky. He thought it was a star but it was green. Wait no, red. NO GREEN. It was blinking. But no one.  cared so he went to his neighbor, Aragon, and talked to him.

"Hey did you see that?" 

"See what?"  Oh no, no one saw it, he thought it would make headlines but it didn't.

Then Poland went to bed.


Aragon then saw what he was talking about, a light in the sky that was staying in the same place, and was blinking, though not that much.

"I'll go to America" said Aragon.

So he went to the U.N. General Assembly and saw America speaking.

"We need to unite Korea... bla bla bla..." so he knew it is worthless to do that so he went to Spain.

"I know you want to join me again." Said Spain.

"I don't, but there is a strange light in the sky."


"It is blinking"

"I think there are aliens."

"We need to tell France."


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