Vas Happening Now

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This is the Styles house ☝🏽

Kevin Frazier: In a stunning turn of events, a superhero is being sued for saving someone who, apparently, didn't want to be saved. The plaintiff, Otise Sanders, who was foiled in his attempted suicide by Mr. Incredible, has filed a suit against the famed superhero in Superior Court.

Sanders Lawyer: Mr. Sanders didn't ask to be saved, Mr. Sanders didn't want to be saved! And the injury received from Mr. Incredible's "action", so quote, causes him daily pain!

Mr. Incredible: Hey, I saved your life!

Sanders: You didn't save my life, you ruined my death! That's what you did!

Mr. Incredible: Listen, you little piece of...

Mr. Incredible's Lawyer: My client has no further comment at this time.

Kevin Frazier: Five days later, another suit was filed by victims of the el train accident in Paris. Mr. Incredible's court losses costed the government millions, and opened the flood gates for dozens of superhero lawsuits the world over.

Judge: It is time for their secret identities to become their only identity. Time for them to join us, or walk away!

Kevin Frazier: Under tremendous public pressure, and the crushing financial burden of an ever mounting series of lawsuits, the government quietly initiated the superhero relocation program. The supers will be granted amnesty from responsibility for past actions, in exchange for the promise to never again resume hero work.

Kevin Frazier: Where are they now?

Kevin Frazier:They are living among us. Average citizens, average heroes. Quietly and anonymously continuing to make the world a better place.


15 years later

"What? I'm fired? but I don't understand... I've been working hear for 3 years and I'm fired." said Mrs. James.

"I'm sorry Mrs. James, but acording to Mr. Jacobs you've been absent for about 6 months more then he alowed you for your maternity leave." Harry explaned.

"But, thats not fair." Mrs. James protested.

"I know and I'm realy sorry about this" Harry apoligised.

"Do you have kids?" ask Mrs. James. Harry has been working at Marc Jacobs for a few months now so, Mrs. James dosen't know Harry that well.

"Oh, uh, yeah 2 boys and a baby girl" Harry said with a smile. 

"Well, you would know-" she got cut off by Harry's work phone.

"Excuse me, Hello this is Marc Jacobs Harry Styles speaking?" he answered.

"Hello Mr. Styles, I was just calling to celebrate an occasion, we have now officaly moved in" Zayn said over the phone while giving baby Kiki her bath.

"Yeah, well, thats great babe, but the last three years don't realy count" said Harry.

"It dosn't count because I finally unpacked the last box so ha to you" Zayn sassed.    

"Listen Zayn I realy need to get back to work" said Harry tiredly rubing his face.

"Yeah ok I have go pic up the boys in a few after I'm finished bathing Kiki." said Zayn.

"Oh Kiki, I miss her so much, how is my little girl?" Harry ask.

"She's good splashing me a lot though" Zayn said.

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