Chapter 3

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Beca's POV

The next morning

We were sitting outside of our hotel having small talk, when Stacie called us and told us she had had her baby, and that it was a girl. She told us that she named her Bella. All of us thought that it was a very beautiful name for her.

After the facetime call with Stacie, Chicago came to get us so we could leave for Italy. When I saw Chicago I got a little mad, because i can clearly see that she has a thing for Chloe. I like Chloe too, so I really hope that Chloe doesn't like him. I really need to tell her how I feel, and soon or it might be too late.

When we got to the airplane Chloe and I sat next to each other. This could be the perfect time to tell her how i feel, but I don't want the others to hear my confession. So I'm just going to wait until we get to our hotel.
Chloe fell asleep during the flight and she looked so beautiful and peaceful. I wish, I could just hold her in my arms.

I went close to her ear and whispered "I like you Chloe, and I wish that you would like me too." The only reason that I had the guts to do that, is because I knew she was asleep.

When the plane landed I woke Chloe up and held my hand out to her so she could stand up from her seat. All of us walked off the airplane and went to wait for our luggage. After everyone got their luggage, we were headed to our hotel. The ride to our hotel took us about 30 ish minutes.

After we got to the hotel, someone took our luggage and took them up to our rooms. Chicago showed us around the hotel a little bit, it was nice, but I didn't like how close he was to Chloe all the time. I wish I could just go and kiss her so he would back off. I really need to tell her, this jealousy isn't a good look for me.

After the tour I Bumped to Theo at the pool and he said he needed to talk to me. We met with DJ Khaled, and they told me they wanted me perform before Khaled, but not the other Bellas.

Chloe's POV

We got to the hotel, and it was beautiful. Chicago showed us around the hotel, and he kept coming near me ever chance he got. When we got to the main hall of the hotel he came to me and we had a little chat.
"Hey. I just wanted to say thank you for... for this. And for looking out for us on this trip. And protecting the United States... always."
"It's my pleasure." He said smiling
"Must be kind of lonely, always being away from your family, being in a different place."
"Yeah, but being in the Army is kind of like having a second family, you know." "Well, yeah, of course you know." he says as he looks at the other Bellas. "I mean, you guys come together for your tour, and when it's over you go your separate ways." I look over at the others too, but my focus is on Beca, I really wish we could actually be a family. Chicago continues "But you're always gonna be there for each other, right? I mean, you're never really alone. Wow, that was really cheesy."
"No. I liked it."

When we were done with the tour we split up in two groups. I went with Aubrey, Ashley, Jessica and Lilly, we went to the market to grab drinks. Flo, Emily and Cynthia joined us a bit later. We didn't know where Beca or Amy were.

After a few drinks, a man came to get us, he told us that it was about an announcement, or so we thought. So we got up and went to the car. We started jamming in the car, singing Cake by The Ocean By DNCE.

Suddenly there was a loud crash outside and the car shook a little. We couldn't see out because windows were blocked by curtains that we couldn't open. We started wondering what happened, until Emily said something.
"Hang on. You guys, are we... Are we floating?"
All of us thought how could we be floating, but we couldn't get out because the door was locked. And none of us had service on our phones.

Beca's POV

I went to Amy's room because I had to tell someone what had happened with Theo and Khaled.
"Hey, Amy, I need to talk to you about something. It's kind of important."
"Oh, yeah, just a sec." She responded to me and continued her phone call.
"Okay, so. I have kind of bad news. And I know you're gonna be fine. I know everybody's gonna be fine, but, like... We didn't get picked, man. And you know what? Like, screw them. It's not, like, the whole story. I don't know, I still feel like I want to tell you 'cause I think that, like secrets are, like the worst, right?" I spoke while she kept packing something in a bag, there was clothes and rope. And I don't know why.
"Yeah, it's the worst. Let's go."
"Go where?" I asked confused.
"Don't worry. We'll change in the cab."
What? I thought, why would we have to change in the cab. I just followed Amy.

When Amy told me that the Bellas were in danger all I could think about was Chloe. What if something happened I never got the chance to tell her how I really felt.

When we got to the boat and I saw that they were okay, I felt instant relief, especially when I saw Chloe. Everyone looked at me shocked when I started speaking, because none of them expected me to be there.

"I think we should go out as Bellas and sing one more song." As soon as I said that everyone started talking back and why would we sing. I'm glad they got it at the end though.
"Let's make it a loud one guys. You guys are terrible at reading signals." Then we started singing Toxic by Britney Spears. As Amy did god knows what to get us out of here.

After Amy came through the glass all of us jumped overboard to the water.

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