Episode 4: A Villainous Encounter

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"Yo. I'm Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog. A student at UA, on my journey toward becoming a hero. Last time, our class met the Number 1 Hero, All Might. Turns out he's a teacher here! Anyway, we finally got to wear our hero costumes and go all our during hero training. My new pal, Denki Kaminari, and I took on the "villains" Eijiro Kirishima and Kyoka Jirou. Those two had some crazy strong quirks, but we came out on top in the end. Now Kaminari, Kirishima, and I are gonna keep training together as a team to become pros! Nothing can stand in our way when we're united because we're Sonic Heroes!"

Over the course of the next few days, the newly formed trio and the rest of the class as a whole would begin bonding and better getting to know each other. Sonic mostly hung around his team, now consisting of Kaminari and Kirishima and on occasion Mina and Jirou. He was still very friendly with Deku and the others, seeing Deku both as a friend and rival. Sonic and Iida also grew close, both being speedsters and wanting to study each other's moves and strategies. Sonic had grown to become friends with pretty much everyone in Class 1-A except for Bakugou for obvious reasons and Todoroki who was just cold towards everyone in general. Sonic often teased them, especially Bakugou because he knew it'd get him mad.

One day during homeroom, the class was assigned to pick a class representative.

Aizawa: Let's get down to business. You all need to pick a class rep. I'll leave it to you all then.

Iida: Thank you for your trust in our judgment!

Aizawa: Do whatever you want, just decide before my nap's over.

Kaminari: Hey man, you should be our class rep!

Sonic: I'll pass.

Kaminari: Huh? How come?

Sonic: Eh, not my style. I'm not really the type to order people around and tell 'em what to do.

Kaminari: Ah, I get it.

Kirishima: How are we gonna do this though? We've only known each other a few days, of course, everyone's just gonna vote for themselves.

Sonic: *yawns* Wake me up when I care.

Sonic ended up falling asleep in class, not caring about the vote, while the others discussed what they would do. After much debate, the class ended up voting for Deku and Yaoyorozu to be class representatives and vice representatives. Deku however then elected Iida instead, believing he was better suited for the role. Later during lunch...

Sonic: Man, nothing beats a chili dog after a hard day's work.

Kirishima: You do realize you slept through all of homeroom right?

Sonic: Takes a lot of work to find a good position to nap in, ya know.

Sonic starts wolfing down an entire plate of chili dogs, leaving his friends in awe.

Kaminari: You really love those things, don't you?

Mina: Pfft, that's nothing! One time he ate 5 whole plates even bigger than that! That was something to see.

Kaminari: Oh yeah, been meaning to ask; how do you guys know each other anyway?

Mina: *getting excited* He's my boyfriend!

Sonic: Mina for the last time I am NOT-!

Just then, the scene begins to explode as an alarm goes off and students begin to panic and evacuate.

Kirishima: Hey, what's going on?


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