Chapter 13: Congratulations

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Q/N: Hope you like it, I'm going to be busy a lot between the doctor's office and basketball so sorry for late updates.... Check the end of this chapte for a list of some good books to read, and another Q/N.

Chapter 13: Congratulations

Irene looks at her little sister in shock and Taylor looks taken back. I'm not really sure what to think of this, but apparently my mouth does because the first thing I say is "Congratulations," They all look at me as if I'm wearing a monkey on my head "What?" I ask frowning at them hating the looks they're giving me.

"This isn't a good thing Rachel," Irene says sitting down on the floor returning her gaze back to her sister.

"I don't get it, what's the problem?" I ask taking a seat on one of the bar stools, the rush of the people who tried to kill me earlier is gone replaced by Serene and Dan "Serene's found her Jiwa-Mate that's good, she's waited long enough if you ask me." I say with a frown.

"But he's a slayer and she's a vampire, the two don't mix, even you being new to our world know this." Irene grabs a bottle of whiskey from of the rack behind the bar popping it open and starting to chug deeply.

I look at Serene to see she still has her wrist in Dan's mouth "Is he going to become a vampire?" I ask breaking the sudden silence.

"No," Taylor is the one to answer as she also grabs something to drink like Irene. From what I've picked up her and Dan are pretty close, causing more questions to pop into my mind. Why haven't met Dan before since him and Taylor are friends. I know all of her friends, because a majority of them are also my friends.

"He didn't die so he'll come back as he was before, a slayer, his senses may be hightened just a little, but besides that he'll be the same." Irene tells me.

Things start to register in my mind as more time passes as Serene saves Dan's life. Earlier before the fight why she was looking at him so intently. Why Dan opened his eyes when Serene picked him up. They were feeling the connection that the Bradshaws explained to me. Speaking of the Bradshaws, they called a coupple of days ago yelling at Daisy about bringing me with her and every since Daisy hasn't answered a call from them. Jason called mmy phone but Daisy denied the call, saying we will deal with everything once we return home. Daisy's going to be so pissed when she finds out I was attacked by those men.....

Dan's eyes flutter open causing me to break away from my thoughts, Taylor takes a step to his side but Serene isn't having that. She slaps Taylor sending her flying into an alchohal rack, there's the sound of glass breaking and fallng to the floor when her body connects. Serene turns around with fangs bared. Taylor stands up with a frown on her face as her eyes flame red.

Please don't fight, please don't fight, I beg in my mind knowing that helps no one.

Taylor strides up to Serene punching her in the face so hard I hear the snapping of Serene's nose breaking. Blood flows from Seren's nose but she doesn't care as she sends Taylor flying across the floor with a sharp kick. She pulls a knife out of her pocket and starts making her way towards Taylor -who's already on her feet-. Irene stands up throwing her whiskey bottle to the ground as she steps inbetween her sister and Taylor "No, do not do this now!" She commands.

My heart beats faster as I think oh shit, Dan groans from the bar counter causing everyone to look at him. Serene rushes to his side pushing past Taylor and her sister in the proccess. Taylor lets out a growl but doesn't make an atempt to bother Serene.

"How do you feel," Serene asks Dan carresing his face with her thumb.

"How am I alive?" He asks not answering her question but I notice he leans into her touch. Awww...

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