preference #9

800 11 35

A glader/person hits you

Requested by: RoseSanchez12298806

You were working in the med-hut taking care of a gladers wound when you had to use some alcohol. He didn't like that and slapped you across your cheek just as he did that Newt walked in. When he saw what the gladers did he walked over and punched him in the jaw before anything else could happen Clint and Jeff held them back and you went to get Alby. When he came to the med-hut he took the glader to a slammer. You had explained what happened and he agreed to not put Newt in a slammer.

You were running with him and another glader when the glader bumped into you and blamed you for it. When you wanted to walk away he slapped you across the cheek. When he was about to walk away Thomas pulled him back by the back of his shirt. He punched him in the jaw and beat him up. When you finally got him off of the glader you walked back to the glade. Thomas and the glader we're both put in a slammer. Not the same one tho otherwise the glader would be dead.

You were sitting with him at the bonfire when a glader tripped over your foot. He stood back back and slapped you. Minho gave him a death glare and stood. When he was standing straight he punched the glader multiple times until he was bleeding from his nose and he had a cut on his cheek. He was pulled away from the glader and put in a slammer and so was the glader.

No one dared to touch you. But one day there was a glader who got angry at you for doing "wrong". He walked over to you and slapped you. Hard. Gally saw cause he always kept and eye on you and walked over. Or should I say marched over. He punched the glader so hard that he imidiatly fell to the ground bleeding from his nose and ear. You grabbed Gally's hand and he looked at you calming down. He gave the glader a death glare before saying "if you ever hurt or touch her again I'm gonna rip your head of and dead you to the grievers. Understood?" The glader nodded and was out in a slammer.

You were sitting with him, Harriet and sonya on logs at the right arm. A random person bumped into you. He turned around and looked at you angry and slapped you. Aris imidiatly stood up and hit the person. He was surprisingly strong because the guy fell to the floor his eye already turning purple. You took his hand and walked somewhere else.

You were helping him in the slicer's hut when one of the slicers thought you did it wrong. "what the shuck are you doing that's not how your supposed to do it" he said angry you looked at him but before you could do something he had slapped you. Winston walked over and punched him and the jaw. The glader stumbled back and looked really pissed off but before anything else could happen he was dragged away to a slammer. You hugged Winston famd thanked him.

You were helping in the kitchen and a glader came to taste the food for some reason. He tasted it and it was really spicy. He slapped you and was about to walk away when Frypan hit him with a pan in the back of the head. The glader fell to the ground unconscious and you dragged him to a slammer. You and Frypan laughed at the state he was in and went back to cooking.

You were sitting with him at the bon fire. He was talking to you and Aris when a drunk guy stumbled over to you. He bumped into you and straight up slapped you. Jorge got mad and punched the guy and beat him up. You and Aris got him off of the guy and you took him with you to calm down.

You were sitting with her in the med-tent at the right arm and a doctor came in. He thought you were getting in his way and slapped you when you refused to leave. Brenda imidiatly jumped up and slapped the doctor really hard. They got het another doctor and apologized to you.

You were sitting in the mountains together and there was a guy who didn't approve of your relationship. He had enough of your loving glances at each other and slapped you. Harriet walked over and punched him in the back of the head and threw him off of the cliff. He rolled down and was really bruised. He was still alive you thought.

You were in the safe haven when there was a guy who randomly slapped you. Sonya stood up and started to beat him up u til he could barely breath. You helped her and walked away like nothing happened.

You were in the glade and one of the gladers didn't approve of your relationship and slapped you across the cheek. Teresa grabbed her knife and threatened to stab him. He laughed and she stabbed him in the arm. The glader was banished and Teresa was put in a slammer for the night.

A/n: okay so this one was a bit violent. Let me know if you want me to add anyone or have any other suggestions.

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