Tie the Pieces Together

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"I'm staying with Escape The Fate." I say with tears in my eyes.
"Babe, you can't do that." Max said.
"I will do whatever the fuck I want and if I want to stay with the boys I will!" I screamed and stormed out.

I pulled out my phone and called TJ.
"Can you pick me up?"
"Why are you crying?"
"I'll tell you later. Just please come get me. I'm at Ronnie's."
"I'm on my way."

TJ came and picked me up.
"What's going on?" He asked.
"Max quit the band and joined Falling In Reverse, I love him and I love the guys, but ETF is where I belong. I'm staying with you guys." I said through sobs.
"I'm glad you're staying with us. We need you. Did Max break up with you?"
"No, but I don't know how this will work out." I said, crying harder at the thought of losing Max.
"Everything will fall into place." TJ said.
We got to Craig's house and Kevin and Robert were there. We walked in and they all looked at me.
"Im staying. I belong here." I said. They all jumped up and wrapped me in hugs. I feel so loved with these guys.
Truly, ETF is where I belong.
Ronnie and Craig are in love, and it is staying that way and I love Max, and only him. I will stay with him, but I will also stay with ETF. This is where my heart is, this is my home, with my boys. And I'm damn happy about it.

----------------------------------------------The end! Thank you all so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it(:

I've Always Loved You (Ronnie Radke and Craig Mabbitt)Where stories live. Discover now