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You were leaning against your kitchen counter drinking coffee and watching your faucet leak water onto the metallic surface of your kitchen sink.




You blinked slowly and tried not to get mad even though the knobs were basically shut tight. No water should have been leaking. So you took a deep breath in and sipped on your coffee. You were also waiting for your toast to heat up.



Maybe it was the fact that you didn't have to time to figure out what was wrong with your sink or the fact that Spencer escaped custody that was ticking you off. But it felt like your head was about to explode trying to think about everything.



Nope. Spencer reminding you of your past definitely did the trick when it came to him pissing you off.



"Screw it I'm not even hungry anymore" you mumbled under your breath as you forcefully put your mug down and yanked the toaster cord out of the outlet. You walked away into your room and headed towards your closet. As you began to look for an outfit you began to think about the fact that Spencer was in your home.

The more you thought about it he was probably there after a kill. And he had almost kissed you. It just frustrated you, it was even more frustrating that you liked it. You wanted it to happen and then it turns out he's a killer.


You walked out of the elevator and found JJ who happened to be walking by. She turned to face you and smiled "I can't tell if you need a coffee or a couple of shots from that crappy bar downtown"

"Maybe both" you chuckled and opened the glass door for her "By the way. How are you?"

"I'm fine" you followed her towards her desk

"I'm only asking because I know that you and Spencer were best friends" you watched as she sighed and looked down at her feet

Her voice cracked a bit "I can't think about that right now. I can't let my emotions cloud my judgment so until we catch him I am not going to think about the fact that he betrayed all of us" she sniffled and sat down in her seat

"I'm so sorry JJ" you frowned and rubbed her shoulder

She leaned into your touch and rested her head on your hand for a second before pulling away and focusing on the files in front of her. You walked back to your own desk and set your bag down. Before you decided to get to work you thought you should pay a little trip to Penelope's office. You knew that she was also very close to Spencer.

Footsteps became louder as you walked in and found her scrolling through her phone "Hey"

"Hey" her tone was different. Usually it was filled with joy and excitement but now she was sad.

"I just wanted to check in on you" you casually stepped forward and grabbed a chair to in front of her.

"I want to say that I'm fine but" she had a pen in her hands and tossed it onto her desk "I'm not"

You reached out and placed your hand on top of her hand.

"How could he do this" Her eyes began to water "He's a monster"

"You were family" your thumb gently rubbed circles into her skin

"Yes he was like my geeky little brother" a tear slipped from her eye "How could he does this to do us? We loved him and now he's a killer"

At this point tears were streaming down her cheeks "I- I know the victims were very bad people but that's why we are here. We work here so we can catch them."

"I'm so sorry Penelope" you got closer to her and pulled her into a hug. You hadn't taken the time to realize how close everyone was. This team was basically family and it was hard feeling betrayed.

"Maybe it was after Maeve when it all began or Gideon that he started falling apart. He couldn't have just suddenly become a murderer." Penelope rested her head on your shoulder for comfort

You heard the story about Maeve and Gideon. You were thinking about what happened to them but then you remembered that there was a location that Spencer needed to be alone. It all clicked. Your judgement was so clouded that you didn't see it. You pulled away from Penelope and asked "Where was Maeve killed?"

"In a warehouse a couple of miles away from here" she sniffled and wiped away her tears "Why"

"I think I know where he is"


You were walking towards the entrance of the warehouse. The team split up. Emily, JJ and Matt went to Gideon's cabin in the woods just in case Spencer was drawn back there. You, Luke and Tara went to the warehouse Maeve was killed in.

Everyone was quiet as you all entered slowly. It was dark and you had flashlights attached to your guns. You split up and there were some stairs, you walked up slowly and heard water trickling from a far. Once you stepped inside you had an eerie feeling that something or someone was here "FBI!"

Out of no where a shadow appeared so you were about to turn around but instead you felt a strong pain against your arm. It caused you to drop your weapon and weaken you to the point where someone was holding you from behind, you were sure it was Spencer.

"Spe-" you were about to yell out but his hand covered your mouth and you couldn't shout for help. You could barely see but you could hear another set of feet clacking against the floor. You struggled and tried to free yourself but only failed. You were dragged to what felt like the middle of the room.

You were seated into a chair and there was a click. Before you attempted to stand on your feet a woman whispered in your ear "Don't move or this whole place will blow" It was Cat.

You tried turning your head but it was too late and too dark. Footsteps faded away as you heard Luke and Tara rushing up the stairs. "Y/n?!"

"Stop!" you shouted out "This place is rigged"

Luke and Tara stopped at the top of the steps and stared at you in shock as they shined their flashlights towards you. Looking down you caught a glimpse of the wiring that ran around the legs of the chair and laid across the floor. Panicking felt like the only solution. But that wouldn't have resolved anything.

Luke snatched his phone out of his pocket and began to walk back down the stairs. You only assumed it was to call Emily. You hands were resting on your lap as you threw your head back and groaned in frustration.

"This son of bitch is trying to kill me"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2021 ⏰

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