Chapter 4

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The Lu'au was amazing! We watched hula dancers and a fire dancer. We were sitting on a round table in the front. No one really bothered us. It felt good not to be noticed and mobbed by fans.

They asked for 2 volunteers and Jhope and Jimin went up. They put on fake grass hula skirts and coconut bras. They told them to dance and the person with the most screams wins.

Jhope won, of course. Everyone loved him. They played a Hawaiian song and he started dancing to touch my body. Everyone was cheering and he received 2 free tickets to a dinner cruise ship on the Star of Honolulu.

They asked for Namjoon to try the fire dance. He ended up setting the man's hula skirt on fire. That hyung.

After dinner, we walked down the Waikiki strip that was crowded with many people. There were performers on the side that included magicians, street dancers, musicians, and many more.

I ran into a lady who gave me two shark tooth necklaces.

"What is this?" I asked in Korean.

She just looked at me and formed a heart with her hands.

"love?" I asked.

"Give to someone you love" She smiled at me and returned to selling her items.

I looked over to Taehyung who was mesmerized by a magician. I put the two necklaces into my pocket and stood beside him.

He turned to me and wrapped his arm around me.

"Ya! Look at him! Waaaaaah... Daebak! (Awesome!)" He said in amazement.

I giggled at him. We suddenly heard a bang and turned to find that Namjoon accidentally knocked over the lady's jewelry table. God of destruction over here. Ugh. Here we go again. She started yelling at us and we ran away laughing.

When we returned to the hotel, I dressed into my pajamas and put the shark teeth necklaces into the side drawer. Taehyung was not in the room so I walked towards the door. As I was about to open it, I heard him and Jhope laughing outside.

I peeked through the peep hole and saw them hugging. It felt like someone was squeezing my heart. Am I jealous?

"You always know how to make me feel better hyung" Taehyung said.

Is something wrong? He seemed fine earlier.

"Everything will be okay V. You're feeling better right?" Jhope pulled away and laid his hands on Taehyung shoulders.

"Yeah. I guess."

What are they talking about?

"Good. Listen... V. Can we... Pretend?" There was a long awkward pause before he continued. "Let's pretend you're not dying." Jhope suggested.

Dying?! What's going on?

"Let's pretend that the doctor said your healthy and well." He started tearing. Taehyung pulled him in for another hug. "Taehyung. Let's pretend you'll be here forever."

I started crying too. I wanted to pull the door open. I wanted to run up to them and ask them what's going on... But something stopped me.

"We need to tell Jungkook-"

"No! I can't tell him Hope hyung! I don't want him to endure this pain." Taehyung argued.

"It's only fair. The other members know, why not Kookie?"

What? The other members knew but didn't tell me? Why?

"Because I love him hyung. I love him so much that it will hurt him even more when I .. When I leave." Taehyung cried into Jhope's shoulder.

He loves me? HE LOVES ME! ... No. No Tae... You can't leave me.

I watched them pull away. It looked like Taehyung was about to enter the room. I ran into the bathroom to clean myself up. I looked like a crying mess.

I stood in front of the mirror and washed my face. I decided to keep what I heard a secret. I will show my love for him, whether he accepts it or not.

I heard the door open and Taehyung call my name. I looked in the mirror one last time. FIGHTING!


I watched Jungkook enter our hotel room. I bid the other members good night, then Jhope hyung pulled me to the side.

I couldn't hold in my pain anymore. I told him how I felt that I was living a lie. How I hated that I won't be able to grow old with them.

He cracked some jokes and tried to make me feel better. I, of course, laughed. He always knew how to make me smile. He was one of my best friends.

He asked me to tell Jungkook about what the doctor said... But I can't. It's better to leave in peace, right? I don't know.

All these thoughts ran into my mind and I can't take it anymore. But one thing is for sure. I'm not giving up. I won't let myself believe that my days are limited. I will fight... whatever "this" is. I will not leave Jungkook.

I bid farewell to Hopie hyung and as I was about to open the door, he handed me the two tickets he won from his hula contest.

"Hyung? Why?" I asked in confusion.

He shrugged his shoulders. "Take Jungkook out. I was going to take Jimin, but he keeps rejecting me."

"Ahhh.. One sided love?" I joked.

We all know Jhope has a thing for Jimin, but Jimin is Jungkook's #1 fanboy. I get jealous just thinking about it.

"Shut up V." Hopie hyung hit my shoulder and I laughed harder. "You better get going before I change my mind about those tickets."

I said goodbye one last time before opening the door. I called for Jungkook and he exited the bathroom. His eyes were unusually swollen.

"Kookie? Are you okay? Have you been crying?"

He laughed and walked over to his bed. "I'm fine hyung. <yawn> Just a bit tired."

He laid in his bed and I walked into the bathroom. After changing into my pajamas, I walked out and observed the sleeping maknae.

I sat on the side of his bed and brushed his bangs away.

"I love you so much Jungkook. I'll be okay. I promise.... i WILL be okay."

Let's pretend this never happened.

I kissed his forehead and walked to my bed. I looked at him once more before turning off the lamp and going to sleep.





What Taehyung didn't know was that Jungkook was awake the whole time.

I love you too hyung. Jungkook thought to himself. I believe in you.

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