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Bucky and I start to get our life started in Louisiana. The two of us finding a house and start to work on finding jobs so we aren't just coasting on our names. A week or so after we get back Sam and Sarah invite us to a cook out the community is throwing for Sam. We try to figure out what we should bring but Bucky tells me not to stress about me, letting me he was it all under control. I arrive early with Sam and Sarah, Bucky promising he'll be there soon with our dish. But when he gets there he has a store bought cake.

"Buck," I shake my head as he walks over to us after play fighting Aj and Cass with the cake in his hands.


"You can't bring a store bought cake to a cook out."

"Why not?"

I cross my arms as Sam chuckles, "she's right, man, you can't do that."

"I'll remember that for next time," Bucky places the cake on the table before hugging Sam. I'm so happy they're getting along now.

We go about talking with everyone, getting to know people in our new community. Sam eventually comes up to me, "hey, have you seen Buck?"

"Uh, yeah, he's..." I look around and point to him as he is standing on a table with two kids hanging on his metal arm. "Over there."

"It's nice to see he's getting more comfortable around everyone."

"It helps when everyone here is so welcoming."

"It's also nice to see he's good with kids," Sam gently nudges me. Before I can respond Sam is pulled away by someone else at the cookout.

We enjoy an afternoon of eating, talking, and drinking, well the boys drink I don't. When the sun begins to sit I walk over to Bucky and Sam who are watching the sun over the ocean water, "hey, boys."

"Hey, doll," Bucky smiles.

"Hey, P," Sam turns to me, "I know you're not a big drinker, but I figured you'd have at least one beer."

Bucky nods, "and I figured you'd be all over the taco lime shrimp."

I chuckle and shake my head, "unfortunately for me, I probably won't be enjoying those things for a very long time."

"What do you mean?" Bucky tilts his head a bit.

Sam's jaw almost hits the dock, "you're kidding me." I shake my head, "oh, my God!"


"Oh, my God!"

"Would one of you please tell me what's going on?"

Sam places a hand on Bucky's shoulder,"congratulations, daddy!"

"What?" Bucky looks to me shocked, "are you really?"

I nod, "yeah, I am."

Bucky gives me a giant hug, "oh, my God! This is the best news ever!"

Sam smiles and gives me a hug as well, "when did you find out?"

"Uh," I move some hair out of my face, "about a week ago. Right after you and I got back from Baltimore. But I'm only about a month along, so."

"Wait a minute," Sam shakes his head, "so you were pregnant when we took down the Flag Smashers in New York?"

"Yeah, uh," I shrug and put my hands on my belly, "I guess this baby was kicking ass and taking names before it even knew what it was."

Bucky hugs me again, this time picking me up and spinning me around as he steps away from the edge of the dock, "this is amazing!" When he brings me back down he looks into my eyes and smiles, "I love you."

"I love you too."

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