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Sharon drives us to her High Town apartment, the ride up is entertaining, since Sharon and I are up front and the three boys are in the back seat. When we get inside the building Sharon calls home, we look around and see dozens of art pieces, Sam chuckles, "looks like breaking all those laws is treating you well."

Sharon shrugs, "well, at some point I thought if I had to hustle, might as well enjoy the life of a real hustler. You know how much I can get for a real Monet?"

"Couple million, if you look in the right places," I look over some of the paintings Sharon has on display. "Is this an original?"

"Yeah, it is actually," Sharon walked up to me. "How'd you know?"

"I've seen it before when I was sixteen. I saw it again when I was nineteen, but the line work was different, something was off about it. Strokes that should have been going up were going down and strokes that should be going down were going up."

"Impressive," Zemo walks up next to me, "wait a second. How old are you?"

"Twenty eight."

Sharon chuckles, "and you've been in back to back relationships with hundred year old men."

"Daddy issues," I shrug, "what can I say."

Sam scoffs, "deactivate whatever it is you're doing. She sells fake Monets."

"No, they're real," Zemo shakes his head, "this gallery specializes in stolen artwork. Monet, Van Gogh, Classics."

"It's true," Bucky nods, placing his hand on the small of my back before he and I walk around a bit more, "you know, half the artwork in museums like the Louvre is fake."

"Real stuff sets in places like this," I nod, before looking over to Sharon, "if you ever need someone to come in and help you with these, hit me up."

"You aren't going anywhere," Bucky whispers in my ear.

Sam chuckles, pulling out his phone, "okay, guys, I see what you're doing. You're all more worldly than good old Sam."

I chuckle as Bucky and I walk past Sam, catching up with Sharon and Zemo, "yeah. What's Google say?"

"No shit," Sam looks from the painting then to me in shock.

"You guys need to change," Sharon stops a door, waiting on Sam to join us. "I'm hosting clients in an hour. I should have some clothes for you."

Sharon shows us upstairs to her living space, there is a large living room, a couple bedrooms and even more bathrooms. They basically took a whole floor of luxury apartments and combined them into one, since I'm sure this building was built with some intent of bringing law abiding citizens to Mardipoor, before it became Sharon's. Sharon leads me to a bedroom, the boys being in another room getting changed, "you're welcome to anything in the closet, there's even a shower if you want it. I remember how I was when I first got to Madripoor, it felt like I couldn't get the stink off."

As Sharon goes to leave, I call out to her, "Sharon, I'm sorry."

"For what?" Sharon crosses her arms as she leans against the door.

"I had no idea you were here ", and for what it's worth I don't think Sam or any of the others did either." I shake my head, "and I know before she died Nat was working on a way to get you a pardon..."

"Working on," Sharon nods, "that's the key phrase and since I don't have any fancy connections it's a lot harder to do."

"Maybe Sam or I can?"

Sharon sighs, "just focus on getting cleaned up. I can't imagine that catsuit is very comfortable."

"Thanks," I nod as Sharon leaves. I take her advice and take a quick shower before looking through the closet. I find a nice sheer black shirt, a pair of black heels and black leather pants. I start to get dressed, getting on my jeans and bra before I hear a knock at the door, "give me a minute."

"It's just me," Bucky calls out before cracking the door open.

I smile and turn to him, shirt in hand, "hi."

"Hey, doll," Bucky smirks, he is in black jeans, black shoes, a black tee shirt and a black blazer.

"Black seems to be your color."

"I was thinking the same thing about you," he slowly starts to cross the room.

"I'll be just a second." I shake my head, unbuttoning some of the shirt so I don't break the buttons trying to put it on.

"We're in no hurry," when I look back up Bucky is inches from me.

"Hi," I look over his face.


"Umm, is there something you need?"

"Not need, no," Bucky shakes his head, "want, maybe."

"What is that?"

Bucky steps in and kisses me, placing his hand on my cheek and the small of my back, while I place mine on his shoulders. He smirks when he pulls away, "I've wanted to do that since the bar."

I chuckle softly, "have you?"

"Have you seen the way yourself in that suit? Or when you fight? You're one serious dish."

I shake my head, "you're not so bad yourself." I giggle softly and bite my lip.

Bucky shakes his head and takes a deep breath, "listen, P, I've been thinking."

"Uh oh, don't get yourself hurt now."

Bucky chuckles, "I've been thinking about you and me. And I think that we work."

I shrug my shoulders and put my shirt on, still needing to button it, "I mean, I guess we do."

"The entire time I was playing the Winter Soldier in the bar and on the way here, I was worried. Worried that I'd slip back into what I was."

"Don't be crazy, B, those days are long gone."

"See the thing is I wasn't worried about losing myself in all that. I was worried I'd lose you." Bucky shakes his head, "I mean, if I slipped back into the Winter Soldier would I remember you? If I didn't, what would I do to you? And it got me thinkin'..."

"Thinking about what?"

"When we get back to the states, back to our normal lives, I don't want us to go back to how things were... or how things are."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I wanna wake up next to you every morning. I wanna take you on walks and picnics, to the movies and out to dinner and all that other corny couple stuff."

I nod and let out a breath, "you wanna date? Like really date?"

"Yeah, I do." Bucky nods, "so will you?... Date me?"

I laugh softly and look around, "Sgt. James Barnes," I put on my best Mid-Atlantic accent, "are you askin' me to go steady?"

Bucky laughs, "yes, ma'am, I believe I am."

I shake my head, getting a little serious, "you aren't worried about me working too much or putting everyone else before myself."

"Phoebe, that's why I wanna be with you. You're an amazing person, you try to help everyone and, yeah, sometimes you piss me off, but you always try to do the right thing."

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