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Bucky and I had gotten Sharon to a hospital, against her better judgement, before Bucky sends me down to Louisiana with Sam, telling me he has a few things to finish up in New York before he leaves. Of course, I try to stay with him to help but he says he has to do this on his own. Which is fine with me, because Sam and I have a stop to make before we head back to Louisiana anyway.

We make our way down a very familiar street in Baltimore and up to a familiar front door. Once we're on the porch I look over to Sam, "you ready?"

"Yeah," he nods, "I think I am."

I place a hand on Sam's shoulder, "then go ahead."

Sam knocks on the metal screen door of Isaiah's home and before long Eli opens the door. Of course, he doesn't look happy to see us, he never does when we come to visit. But I understand it's all out of trying to protect his grandfather, "what you want, Black Falcon," Eli looks over to me, "White Lightening?"

"Hey, you need to learn some manners," Sam shakes his head.

"He ain't a Falcon anymore," we turn as we hear Isaiah behind us, "but he's still black." Isaiah then looks over to me and shrugs his shoulders with a tilt of his head, "you might be right about her." Isaiah motions for us to follow him, so Sam and I descend the steps and follow Isaiah back to his garden. Once we're there we sit while Isaiah goes about tending to his plants. I would like to help but I don't exactly have a green thumb, "I saw what you two did out there. And it seems, so did everyone else. I heard the GRC was standing down on those plans of theirs. So you two must have done somethin' right." Isaiah looks over to Sam, "I ain't gonna lie. You're special."

I smile over to Sam as he looks up to Isaiah, "thank you."

"I mean, you ain't no Malcolm, Martin, Mandela, but..."

"No argument there," Sam chuckles. "But I know what I've gotta do." Sam looks over to me, "and I've got friends to help me do it."

"So, a Black Captain America, huh?"

"Damn right."

"With a female partner?"

I shrug, "Steve already had one, so our focus is gonna be on Sam."

Isaiah chuckles, "the fight you two are taking on ain't gonna be easy."

"Yeah, we might fail," Sam shrugs, "shit, I might die. But... we built this country. Bled for it." Sam glances over to me, "and I know I speak for both of us when I say, we aren't gonna let anybody tell us we can't fight for it. Not after what everybody before us went through. Including you."

When Sam says this Isaiah's hardened expression softens and when he begins to speak his voice is shaky, even I'm tearing up a bit, "shit. I almost bought that."

I chuckle as I pull my legs up onto the bench, so my legs are crossed, "do you ever lighten up?"

"Nope," Eli comes out on to the back porch. "Mm-mmm."

I nod as Sam and I chuckle, "hey, why don't you get cleaned up?" I glance back to Sam for a moment, "there's, uh."

Sam nods, "there's something we wanna show you."

Isaiah nods and heads inside but Eli leans over the stair railing, "so, uh, where we going?" Sam and I just shake our heads, not spoiling the surprise.

Once Isaiah and Eli are ready to go, we start the almost hour long drive to DC, which I have to say is better then most of the trips I have taken down to DC from New York. Eli has no end of questions that Sam and I refuse answer until we get to our destination. As we begin to walk through the Captain America exhibit at the Smithsonian I begin to tear up, thinking about all that has happen and will happen in my life, all the things that I won't get to experience with Steve, not only as a partner, in both combat and love, but as a friend.

I think about how miserable I felt every time I thought about Peggy and wonder if that's how Bucky feels now. Knowing that I picked Steve first and never knowing if I'm with him because I found him and fell in love with him or if I'm with him because I can't have Steve. I love Bucky with all my heart and maybe things would have been different if we had met first, but there is no way of knowing. All I know is that when I fell for Steve I fell hard. But maybe Bucky is the person I'm meant to be with and maybe Steve saw something we didn't. All I know is that I have to let go of the past for my future to become a present reality. Bucky and I have gone through unbelievable heart break, horrible circumstances, and decades to find each other and I don't ever want to take any of it for granted or put any of it to waste.

Isaiah and Eli are quiet as we walk through the exhibit. Sam must know I'm in my own head because as we walk he makes sure to keep a hand on my back. When we get to the entrance of the new exhibit I look up to Sam, "you good?"

I nod, "yeah, let's give Isaiah his rightful in history." I turn and smile to Isaiah and Eli before gesturing for them to follow Sam and I.

We led them into another room, where Sam and I had them place a statue of Isaiah along with a history about him and what he did for this country. Isaiah and Eli look around, while Sam and I just stand and wait. It doesn't take long for Isaiah to walk over to us, Sam nods as he does, "now, they'll never forget what you did for this country." Isaiah shakes Sam's hand, "never." Isaiah pulls Sam into a hug and I have to fight more tears.

Once he separates from Sam, Isaiah turns to me and hugs me as well, "thank you, thank you so much."

I hug Isaiah back, "of course, we promised we'd get your story out." Isaiah takes a step back, "and this way everyone stays safe."

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