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You should now have something like this:

My character is Cora Weaver. She was born in a small town in Oklahoma, to George and Betty Weaver. She had no other siblings, but her family lived close to both sets of grandparents. Cora especially liked to spend time with her mother's mother, whom she was named after. The two made a tradition of baking and decorating a big batch of cookies every Christmas season.

Cora was overweight as a child, and she was teased about it a good deal.

She was raised in a Methodist church, and was saved at age eight.

Now, she is 24 years old. She continues in her Christian faith, and still attends the Methodist church. She still bakes sugar cookies during the Christmas season, and takes them to the senior care center in memory of her grandma Cora.

She enjoys working with children, and is currently employed at a daycare center. Family has always been important to her, and she hopes to have a family of her own in the future. However, it might be a while before that dream comes true, as she is currently unattached. For now, she spends her time with family and a large group of friends.

Cora has a green thumb, and enjoys gardening. She particularly enjoys growing flowers, though she grows vegetables as well. Her favorite flower is the calla lily. Predictably, spring is her favorite season. She likes winter the least, and suffers from seasonal depression.

Cora is a sweet, lovable person. She doesn't take things for granted, keeps a positive and cheerful attitude, shows love and kindness to everyone without exception, and does her best. However, she has flaws like everyone else. She has a tendency to procrastinate, has trouble accepting help, and can't say no without feeling guilty. She can also be a little naïve, and overly sensitive.

Cora has a poor body image, and is insecure about her weight, because she was teased so much about it as a girl. She is no longer overweight, and works hard to keep it off. She is just a little on the short side, of average build. She has red hair, blue-gray eyes, freckles, a round face, and soft features.

By now, you should know your character so well that you could "write a book" about him/her.
(Pun intended)

So there you have it! Be sure to comment if you have improvements to suggest.

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