Step Nine: Naming Your Character

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Finally, it's time to name your character. You know him/her inside and out, so now you're set to pick a fitting name. Don't forget to consider the time period your character your character was born in; you aren't going to encounter a Jayden in the Elizabethan Era.
You may also want to consider a name with special meaning. Check out these examples:
•A girl named Mary from a Catholic family, named after Jesus' mother
•A boy or girl named after an ancestor or other person special to one of the parents
•A girl named Ruby, because she was born in July, or because her parents enjoy gemology
•A boy named Nathan, meaning "Gift of God" because his parents weren't sure they would ever be able to have children
•A boy named Ethan, meaning "strong" because his parents wanted their son to be strong

There are many tips about naming characters, but they can all be summed up into one:
Use common sense

[My character's name is Cora Weaver. She was named after her grandmother]

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