Morning lights

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The single stray of light hitting the back of her eyelids is enough to pull her out of her sleep. She's careful not to move too much, pressed in-between two warm bodies.

Jaden's cuddled up against her back, their hips together and legs intertwined. She can feel his breath against the back of her neck and his arm thrown across her waist to reach for his boyfriend. Then there's Josh's in front of her with his legs thrown in hers and Jaden's tangled limbs, while his head is buried in the crook of her neck.

She could live like this forever, sandwiched between the two person she's in love with.

And then there's... Yeah there's that.

Her eyes flutter open as Josh shifts against her, moving to pull back. She whines a little as he does so, making the younger man smile softly. "Morning." His voice makes chills run down her spine. He looks cute with his bed hair and puffy face.

"Good morning." She whispers pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. Josh loves mornings, loves waking up next to them, love seeing her so cuddly and happy and glowing through the rays of the sun. He loves mornings just nearly as much as Jaden hates them.

His mouth slides delicately from her lips to the side of her face and down to her neck. Her hands travel up the hard plane of his back to bury themselves in the strands of brown hair slightly lightened up by the sun shining through the window. Josh's fingertips travel down her chest and her stomach, to finally stop on her hip squeezing tightly at the skin.

She almost moves her hips forward as a habit, trying to fit her body against his, but she stops herself just in time, remembering that she can't. The younger boy kisses back up until he can slide their lips back together. She moans into his mouth, fingers pulling at his hair slightly. "Think we can..." He cuts himself off by kissing her once more, like he already missed the taste of her lips. "Think I can fuck you without waking up Jay?"

Usually, she would say 'yes' in a heartbeat. Jaden sleep so soundly, so deeply that hardly anything can wake him up but not now. "I don't think so." She expects the frown that's drawn on his face at her answer. It's not the first time they do something like this, his question was mostly rhetorical.

She takes his hands firmly anchored on her hip before sliding it between her legs where one of Jaden's thigh is positioned right under hers. She lets him explore before directing him higher and higher to a place of her body he's come to know too well. His thumb grazes her clit slightly, making her gasp before he slides down to finally reach something hard and unexpected. "Oh god." He breathes out, finger exploring the place where she's stretched widely around Jaden.

Josh's gaze moves to look over her shoulder at his sleeping boyfriend. "He's asleep." She confirms, pulling him into another kiss. The brunet can feel himself getting hard at the thought.

His thumb moves to the base of Jaden's cock and then back up, stroking slightly the part of him that isn't buried inside of her and staring at his boyfriend for any sign of him waking up. "You two fell asleep like this?" She nods her head slowly, smirk tugging the corner of her lips as her fingers moves against his chest. He doesn't know why he finds the idea of, what he guesses is, cockwarming so hot. "Why? It's something you would be interested in?"

He curses under his breath when her hand finally finds his dick, finger wrapping around his length and tugging slowly. "Fuck, yeah." Good to know, she thinks to herself, already dreaming of having Josh so close, so intimately.

The younger boy lets her stroke him into full hardness before delicately pulling her hand away. His lips find their way to her sternum, pressing kisses down her naked body, tasting the skin of her stomach before finally sucking the sensitive bundle of nerves between his lips.

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