Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Vinny's POV

As were eating, I was looking as April. Studying her. She was pretty, and a dancer too.

"So tell us about yourself, April" Moon asked. "I like dance, basketball and drawing. I can rap and play the piano and drums. I like reading and writing and Nutella , candy and candles" she named

I was so astonished "Hey Vincent, she's like a mini you, but smarter" Louis commented. I chuckled.

"What kind of books do you like?" Jason asked "I love them all"

"Jason finally found another one of his kind. Woah" Thomas joked.

"Rap?" Madison asked

"Yeah buddy!"

Madison was nudging Mikey.

"April, these are my friends auditioning for ABDC with me" I said. "Cool"

"What's the name?" "ICONic Boyz" Nick said. "Why?" She asked "Our dance complex is ICON and we have groups there. ICONic Girlz and the ICONic Boyz. We danced as a group for about two years now " I said

"So you're in the group too"she asked Sarah "Yeah, she's in the ICONic Girlz" Vinny said "okay Vincent, that's enough talking now" Madison warned "don't call me that you're just mad at my Grandness

"I didn't take dance lessons" she told the bunch. "What? How are you so good?"We asked, astonished "I dunno, I learned from the Internet."

"We better go now" Moon said

"Okay dad" she walked out with him.

"So what do you guys think about her" Sarah asked us. "DIBS!" Me, Mikey, Madison and Jason called...

"She's cool" Louis says

"Yeah, she's funny" Thomas says

"Whhy?" Mikey whined.

"She likes books, dances and plays a lot of instruments!" Jason complained

"She can rap, dance, play basketball AND she suave!" Mikey complained

"She plays a lot of instruments, dances, plays basketball and she's funny!" Madison complained

They complained a lot

But she likes candy, Nutella, candles AND she can dance and play basketball. She's just perfect..

I wanted her, but the fight was all too intense. There my brothers..

"You can have her" I said, their heads turn to me

"And what's the catch, Vincent?" Jason asked suspiciously

"No fist fights, dibs and once you commit to something you don't let go" I warned them. "So you don't like her?"


"Why? She's perfect for you!" Thank you Thomas

"I don't really see it" I lied

"We better go to the meet and greet" Sarah said.

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