Chapter 5

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April's POV

"Dad!! You said I'm teaching to beginners!" I ran to him.

I knew cause I saw some doing flips and handstands randomly to show off!! "You're an advanced dancer, them too. You can do this. It's like teaching a choreo to yourself " he assured me. I sat at the table and waited for there attention.

Big crowd.

"Uhh hello? HELLO?" I accidentally yelled at the crowd. "Damn" I heard some, checking me out. "Errr.. Dad?" "Okay if you're done stretching you can wait in line"

I pointed to the end of the room. There going to make three lines and walk the move I demonstrate {3 at a time}

"Okay so we'll start by whacking and walking, like this. Two steps" I showed them, I heard someone laugh. I turned around "what's funny?"

He just kept laughing, his friend nudged him "dude, concentrate!"

I laughed and continued.

"You guys are fantastic at whacking!" I told a tiny group. I saw someone in difficulty so I approached him. "Need help?" I smiled as he nodded. "What's your name?" I asked


"Where are you from? [cause there in Texas] "I'm from NJ, I came with my friends" "isn't that far?" "I really wanted to meet Moon" he sighed. All this way for my dad? "You'll meet him, I think he'll stop by" I winked

"Okay Vinny, you're understanding the moves and what to do but the thing whacking is about, is you whack. Simple as that. Do the exact same thing you did but go faster and loose" I demonstrated. He was good at dancing. "Good" "thanks" he smiles at me.

"Do you guys know how to glide?" I asked. I turned around and saw them all gliding with precision. "I guess you all do then" I laughed.

30 mins later

I showed them the rest of the dance, it had a little whacking, tutting and isolating. We also joked around a lot.

"Okay, water break" I told them, they walked away all tired. I walked to my duffel bag, searching for my water as I heard people murmuring "I dunno about you but, I expected Moon to teach us.. Who the hell is she?!" I looked to see it was the one laughing at me before.

The rest came back and were all happy. "Hey guys, I need you to form groups of 15, dance the choreography and onto the next. Okay?" I asked the crowd, the nodded and started practicing a little

"Hey Dad?" I looked for him. "April GUESS WHAT?!" He yelled, running to the table and hugging me, lifting me off the ground. "What?!" I smiled at his excitement. "WE'RE GOING ON ABDC!!" He twirls me around, we were on the ground now. "NO WAY!- dad, I'm not in your group.." I told him.

"Hey guys!" He told the crowd, they looked at him and cheered. Guess they know him. "Do you guys think that she's good enough to go on ABDC?"

They cheered, LOUD. I smiled and looked at Vinny who was freaking OUT. "Looks like you're coming with us" dad says, looking down at me and smiling.

"Dad, there's someone that wants to meet you" I smiled. "Who" he asked giving me hand, I brought him to Vinny. "Hey Vinny, there's someone I want you to meet" I nudged his back.

"Vinny, meet my dad."

"It's a pleasure to meet you" dad says, smiling. "You're an amazing dancer. You're tutting skills are heavenly" he says in awe. "Awn man crush" they both looked at me chuckling.

"Can I have a photo?" He asked. "Want me to take it?" I asked. "No thanks, you're gonna be in it too" he says. Who would want to take a photo with me? I already heard some who hated me. The victim "Mad, can you take this?' He asks his friend to take the picture.

"Are you coming to the meet and greet?" Dad asks Vinny. "I have tickets" I told Vinny. "You can take them, bring your friends" I gave him the extra tickets.

"Thanks so much" he hugs me. "It's nothing, really" " are you sure? You helped me meet my hero, gave me tickets to a meet and greet and taught me a choreo as well as a hundred more people! And I never got your name" he says, chuckling.

"April" he smiles at me. I turned around at the class "have you found your groups? If so, you may take the stage" I pointed to the floor.

I went to sit on the table as they got ready. I turned on my radio and let the music take over.

They were all so good. They really are advanced. Many groups later were all so perfect. Soon enough, Vinny's group was in front of me

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