Hungry Eyes by seducedbycurls

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Louis likes food some days, and some days he doesn't.
Harry is an Italian chef that just opened his first restaurant in America.

They meet.

What I think:

I LOVE this author, this is their third story in this book. I am SO excited to tell you guys about this one. I swear I could write like five chapters about the different aspects of this book.

Okay so. It's an ongoing one, but it was last updated on 11th June, 2021. So there's a good chance it will get updated sometime soon. I'll update this review as per the updates of the book.

I want to clarify before everything, L has some really strange eating habits, which are not really healthy. So to be on the safer side -

Trigger warning

I don't think there's an ED trigger in this. It's  mostly like being picky on steroids. But there's still a lot of discussion on eating, eating habits, food etc.


That being said, if you feel like you're comfortable with that, rest assured this is one of the loveliest stories you will ever read.

Harry's character is so beautiful, he's so sweet and kind. He is also Italian and the author makes it so easy to believe, like how good must you write for that to happen? He's also a bit older than Lou, but no unsettling age differences, I promise.

Lou's character might be the weirdest character I have ever read, honestly. He's just so confusing, it will make you laugh. And say aw - multiple times. He's very, very cute and loving.

There's a lot of Italian food that sounds so damn good. So there's a good chance you'll get hungry while reading the story. I speak from experience.

And there are cats!! Okay I feel like I might pull a Tom Holland and tell you the entire story here.

No but the dialogue is at times so strange, it has to be, given the characters. But it's natural. The story flows smooth as butter..I have read a lot of food items in the story, clearly.

And there are so many moments where you just melt from how sweet and cute and romantic they are. Little, subtle moments of love. I am in love with the book, can you tell?

This is a perfectly sweet romance with a lot of cuteness, love, cooking, food and Italian.

Give it a read, you won't regret it.

Words: 81727

There are a few potential triggers regarding eating like I said and maybe even animals. So as again. Please read the tags.

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