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chapter eleven
if someone could explain what the hell's happening that'd be great

-IF SAMAEL WERE BEING HONEST he wasn't feeling the most welcome to camp half blood. seriously, who tells a new camper "you guys really shouldn't be here" and expects them to smile and ask for a map of the place?

lou looked to the blonde guy in front of them with furrowed eyebrows and an overall tired look on her face. "how so?"

"there's been an... incident," he mutters with a sour look on his face.

will let out a tired sigh. "involving?"

the blonde looked to will to respond then his eyes widened in surprise. "what happened to you?" he examined samael's entire party. "did you guys drive into a ditch?"

lou let out an almost manic laugh. "you have no idea, austin. now, what incident has occurred?"

"well, there was a monster attack a couple of days ago and," he let out a harsh breath through his teeth, "four wood nymphs perished. they're supposed to reincarnate, right? well, not this time. they got right up and started attacking some of the campers. anyone that was scratched or bit by them turned into fucking poison ivy or something and well, we've lost two campers at the hands of the turned campers." austin sighed, "the two campers were from hypnos and hecate cabin, we think that they're trying to kill the children of the underworld."

lou swallowed but didn't look all too surprised, and samael was immediately on edge. how often did people die in this camp for them to not be freaking out. "how do you know it's only children of the underworld if only two campers have died?" will asked from where he was now placing nico onto a bed that samael had not noticed before.

"anyone else that's been attacked has turned into one of them, only the underworld children have suffered wounds or fatalities. we're all in a lockdown until chiron can figure out how to fix this," austin told them.

a girl that samael hadn't noticed let out a snort and moved to stand by nico's bed. she took our a stethoscope and listened to nico's heartbeat while speaking. "chiron can't fix this, he's never seen it before. nymphs rising from the dead and turning into weird nature zombies, sounds like a play worthy of the muses."

samael rolled his lip between his teeth, thinking. this was all insane, ghosts were one thing but wood nymph zombies? completely different ballgame. he glanced at will who was muttering things to the girl that was too low for samael to hear.

"did the wood nymphs look how they looked before they died?" samael asked. all eyes fell on him.

"uh yeah," austin replied. "their wounds from the monsters that killed them didn't even scar. sorry, who are you?"

lou and samael exchanged a glance, thinking of what had happened with will. "i'm samael," samael told him. "and i'd like to see those wood nymphs."

the girl laughed. "oh gods, another hero. sorry kid, they'll either turn you or kill you."

austin eyed samael. "who's your godly parent?"

samael shrugged. "my mom wouldn't tell me, doesn't matter. i really need to see those nymphs."

"austin, kayla," lou started, "i think you should let him." she looked to will for backup, pointedly looked at where a pole had been imbedded into his skin.

will grimaced then nodded. "yeah. i-we think samael may be able to do something," he explained.

"what could he possibly do that chiron hasn't thought of?" kayla asked rolling her eyes as if the entire suggestion were complete idiocy.

"just-" will sighed. "just trust us."

austin shrugged. "you're funeral, kid. come on."

austin led samael to the door of the (cottage? cabin? just where the fuck was samael really?) and unlocked the three locks on it.

before he could say anything austin shoved him outside and the door was shut tightly behind him.

"so welcoming," samael grumbled. he looked around and took a moment to take in the scenery. it looked like an amped up summer camp, with grand greek architecture for cabins in some cases and standard wooden cabins in others.

it was also noticeably empty.

"hey!" he shouted cupping his hands over his mouth. "hey zombie wood nymphs i have to talk to you."

samael realised he had a death wish the moment the zombie wood nymphs and who he assumed were the infected campers, stepped into view.

samael stared at them for what was probably longer than necessary. rude, yes, but in his defense he had never met a wood nymph before. their skin had a green tint toward it and they were bare, stark naked standing before him - had samael not been a raging homosexual he would probably have a boner.

the longer he stared at them the more he realised that these beings felt off. he would've thought that maybe it would have something to do with them being other than human but the gnolls hadn't felt like this, like they were meant to be dead.

it was the same guy feeling he had when will died for those few seconds, only the opposite? will had felt like he had left but needed to stay. these beings felt as if they needed to flee far from the mortal plane but were stuck here.

"you're meant to be dead," he said, the words tumbling out of his mouth before he could stop them.

the nymphs growled at him and the campers (who also had a greenish tint to their skin, though less so than the nymphs) stood up straighter as if ready to attack samael.

"the mother has returned us, we must repay the earth mother," the nymph with red hair on the right said.

"we must repay her in the blood of those beneath her rule," the nymph with black hair on the left said.

"we must repay her with your blood," the nymph with brunette hair in the middle said.

"uh no offense but that sounds kind of culty? i'd look into that if i were you." sometimes samael wished he had a filter so that words that would get him killed wouldn't leave his mouth.

"kill the hybrid," the nymphs hissed in unison and the demigods lunged at him.

1053 words

you're first update in act two is a cliff hanger, how fun! anyway, he's at camp half blood at last and the drama has continued to unfold - sorry sammy, but you'll never get a break from this drama from here on out.

thank you all for your patience during september, i hope you enjoyed this chapter and that act two will live up to your expectations.

(also this is fan fiction so i can add events that didn't happen in canon, hence the zombie wood nymphs if anyone was wondering!)

Jupiter (he/they)

𝖦𝗁𝗈𝗌𝗍 𝖧𝗎𝗇𝗍𝖾𝗋 (𝖭𝗂𝖼𝗈 𝖣𝗂 𝖠𝗇𝗀𝖾𝗅𝗈)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ