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5 Years Later

"PEARLYYYY!!!!! omg omg omg!! you won't believe it!" 

A hyper Shea made me look away from my laptop. I looked at her with narrowed eyes, silently questioning what got her so worked up.

"I scored us front row tickets to Aiden Woods' next concert!" she squealed.

Even now hearing his name gave me butterflies. Its been five years but no other guy has been able to hold my attention like he did. 

Funnily enough, I now lived closer than ever to Aiden. After school I gave a bunch of exams and was able to get a scholarship to New York University. But even though we both lived in America now, he was way out of reach now.

He was no more just Aiden, the guy I'd fallen in love with. In the last 3 years, he had become Aiden Woods, the famous and amazingly talented rockstar. Like I'd promised him back then, I was his biggest fan ever and I bought every CD exactly the day it released. I collected all his magazines and I knew all his songs by heart.

When I first came to America, few years back, I held a bit of hope to find him someday. But even back then, he had already started getting famous. The only form of contact that I could even try to have with him was through his instagram. But out of his 8.5 Million followers I doubt he'd be able to filter out my texts.

(A/N : Aiden's instagram)

(A/N : Aiden's instagram)

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I looked back at Shea who was holding out two tickets and jumping in her spot. I had heard that he would be having a concert nearby. But it was impossible for me to get tickets to his concerts seeing as how broke I was. I did go to one of his gigs when he was just starting out and it didn't cost as much as it does now. 

"Wait seriously?? how did you manage that?" I asked, my heart thumping wildly.

"Well you know Tiffany? Well her family's like super rich... We talk sometimes and she knows how crazy I am about Aiden. So she had two tickets to his concert cause she was planning to go. Apparently she's busy this weekend so she can't go now so she gave me the tickets!!" she explained.

This time I couldn't help it and I squealed too, jumping up and down with her. Then something she had said registered in my mind.

"Wait did you say FRONT ROW?" I asked urgently.

"Yeah can you believe it?!" 

I froze a little. He was bound to see me if I was in the front row. I wondered how he would react. I don't think I'd be able to take the hurt if he looked at me and didn't recognise me. Although given that he knew so many beautiful models and actresses, I doubt he even remembers even meeting me. I'd made my peace with it already, but the chance of having him see me and not acknowledge me made me nervous.

I sighed and closed my eyes, mentally preparing myself for the hurt that was about to come. But honestly, the possibility of seeing him again up close would be worth it. Maybe it'll even help me finally move on.

"Hey you okay?"

I looked back at her, to see her worried eyes. 

"Um yeah... just a little headache," I lied.

"Well you're done with your classes right? Go and get some rest... you gotta be in perfect health for tomorrow" she said.

I nodded at her and we made our way towards our shared dorm room. Once in the room, she started raiding our closet for outfits for tomorrow's concert, while I threw myself on the bed. 

"I found us both the perfect outfits!" she yelled, sitting on a pile of clothes.

"Great! I trust your choice..." I replied,

I met Shea, on the very first day of college. We had been put in the same dorm room and we had instantly clicked. We were pretty much opposites in every way. 

While I was majoring in software engineering, she was majoring in dance. She had pin straight hair, while I had curls. She was tall while I was probably the shortest student in the Uni. She loved socialising while I was pretty much a loner. Its not that I didn't know people in the uni, just that I prefered keeping to myself. 

Shea was originally from London, but she wanted to see the world so she came to America for Uni. Coincidentally enough, her Mom was Indian while her Dad was British. She'd been to India only a handful of times to meet her grandparents. 

Last year I took her with me, during the holidays. My family loved her a lot. This year she's actually promised to take me to London to meet with her family. I'm really excited for it to be honest cause I've always wanted to go to Europe.

She knew a lot about me. But not about Aiden though. Nobody knew about that part of my life. It was something that I kept to myself and close to my heart. I smile thinking how she'd react if she actually knew. 

With giddy thoughts of seeing him again, I closed my eyes with a smile on my lips.

Be still my heart...



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