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We woke up bright and early to start our exploration. After a speedy breakfast, we all filled into the bus. Me and Sibashish left our guardians to sit together and decided to join the people our age, in the back. I had a constant smile on my face that just refused to leave.

As we walked towards the back of the bus, we could see Koyel and Sharon listening to Sam talk with rapt attention and evident heart eyes. Although as we closed in on them, I realised they were both staring past Sam, at Aiden. 

I could feel the green monster in me peaking a bit, but even I couldn't blame them. Aiden was gorgeous. What did make me smile a bit, was that he looking out the window with his headphones in and ignoring everyone around him. 

"Hey look who's here... our very own gemstone" Sam mocked. 

"Nope... not even you can ruin my mood today" I announced, smiling broadly.

As if feeling our presence, Aidan looked at us, pulling out his headphones. Had to say, it was flattering to say the least. His face lit up with a smile as he waved at us both. Sibashish was kind enough to give me the window seat, which happened to be right in front of Aiden. 

I watched the city zoom past us as the bus moved. There was just something about Egypt that gave it a rustic and ancient feel. Almost thirty minutes later our bus pulled up to our first stop. Slowly, we made our way out of the bus and stopped to look around. Ashraf, our tour guide informed us that we were at "The Pompey's Pillar". 

Several artistic stone sculptures were scattered across the place and in the distance we could see a tall pillar. We followed Ashraf as he guided us through the crowds. Every once in a while we would stop and Ashraf would explain the significance and history behind certain things. 

Somehow, yet again me and Aiden had ended up walking side by side. While everyone was listening to Ashraf or talking quietly amongst themselves, me and Aiden were laughing like maniacs. Why you ask? because being the goofballs that we were, we were looking for inappropriate designs within the sculptures and pointing them out to each other. Ofcourse we were getting a few odd looks from the bystanders, but we were having too much fun to care.

"That one just looks like she's giving birth to a pig," he pointed out, making me crack up even more.

"How in the world, are you guys finding this boring stuff funny?" Sam asked, joining us.

"You wouldn't get it..." Aiden replied, not smiling anymore.

"Ruby I gotta hand it to you... I've never seen this guy laugh like that, he's usually all silent and brooding in a corner," Sam said.

"For the last time Sam, its PEARL... not ruby, not emerald, its PEARL... and Aiden's the best company I've had in a while..." I said, defending Aiden a bit.

"Meh... you loners belong together... I'm gonna go chat up those hotties over there" he said pointing at a group of girls in a distance, "while you hang out with this shortcake over here..." he said pointing at me.

"Hey I'm not that short!" I yelled, stomping my feet as he walked away.

Aiden chuckled at my outburst, making me go red. I couldn't help it, being 5 ft. tall, my height had always been a point of insecurity for me. I peered up at him, subconsciously checking the height difference between us. He was embarrasingly a foot taller than me. He probably saw me as a child and was only hanging out with me cause he thought of me as a little sister. But, as he looked down at me and smiled, I decided that I'd be okay with that as long as I got to spend more time with this amazing guy.   

"You'll have to forgive Sam, he doesn't have a filter," Aiden said.

"How did you guys become friends? I mean you two..." I dragged on.

"Are polar opposites? yeah that's probably why we fit together so well..." He said, looking at his friend, who was flirting with girls in the distance.

"I suppose... " I said.

"He's a good guy though, underneath that jerk exterior," 

"If you say so... how long have you all ben friends?" I asked.

"Well me and Sam have been friends since Kindergarten. He was that extroverted kid who smiled all the time and was friends with everyone. Then there was me, the shy kid who kept to himself. One day he found me playing by myself and decided to join me. We've been best friends ever since," He smiled, recalling the memories.

"What about Nigel and Tyson?" 

"Me and Sam became friends with Tyson and Nigel when we first joined the football team."

I nodded at his answer.

"What about you? how's India like?" He asked.

"Its nice, a bit chaotic but fun, you'll find a lot of diversity even within the country..." I said.

"And you're from Kolkata?" He asked, 'kolkata' sounding a bit funny in his accent.

"Ah yes, its great... If you ever visit, the best time to visit would be during Durga Puja and Diwali, they're our most celebrated festivals..." 

"Yeah?" he asked interested.

"Yup, but if you hate crowds, like I suspect that you do, then you should probably visit during other times of the year... You'd probably be able to relate to Diwali, its celebrated kinda the way you guys celebrate 4th of July... with fireworks and firecrackers" I said.

"How'd you know we do that on 4th of July?" He asked amused.

"I read a lot of books... a lot of them are set in America..." I said sheepishly.

He nodded with understanding.

"Well I don't mind reading once in a while, but Music is more my thing..." 

My face lit up with a smile, hearing his answer.

"Really?? you play any instruments?" I asked, probably a bit too excited.

"Yeah.... I brought my guitar on the trip too actually..." He said slowly.

"You HAVE TO play for me once atleast..." I said, literally jumping in my spot, tugging at his jacket.

"Sure... I'm guessing you like music too?" He asked, chuckling at my antics.

We hadn't even realised that we were back at the bus now. Getting on the bus, we decided to sit together in the very back. He let me take the window, being the sweetheart that he was.

The bus filled with people, and soon we were off to our next destination for the day.



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