Chapter 2~ The Letter

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--A week later--


"What is it? Is it my acceptance letter into UA High?" you ask, hopeful.

"How do you know it's not a 'Sorry you're not good enough' kind of letter?" Natsuo asks you while handing you the letter.

"Because I tried too hard to not get in!" You yell at Natsuo

You ripped open the letter and take out the little disk. You place it on the table and watch a projection show up, and you don't pay much attention until it announces how many points you have. The projection shows that you have earned 46 villain points and 35 rescue points, earning you second place. You then read the acceptance letter, confirming you made it in. you say a silent "Yesssss!" to yourself.

"So you did it huh?" Shoto asks from the doorway.

"Are you proud of me Sho?" Walking up to him and smiling teasingly.

"Yeah, at least I won't be the only child of the devil."

You are about to respond when Endeavor walks through the door.

"Speaking of the devil..." you mutter as he walks up to you.

"Did you get in Y/n?" Endeavor asks.

"Of course I did. Were you doubting ME? Your daughter?!"

"N-no I wasn't! I knew full well you would pass the entrance exams," Endeavor responds, awfully quickly. Natsuo snickers and Shoto's mouth twitched with a smile. Your dad just glared at them.

"Anyway, I'll be going on a mission as the NUMBER ONE hero." Endeavor emphasizes "Number one" as he won it himself. But it was only because All Might retired, and we all know that.

"Ok have fun on your mission as the NUMBER ONE hero!" Natsuo says, imitating him. He earned another glare from Endeavor. And you can't help but laugh a little, and you got a glare too. By now Shoto was gone and nobody noticed, he was just that quiet. When Endeavor leaves you and Natsuo just starts laughing and repeating "NuMbEr OnE hErO" like it was the funniest thing. When it's done being funny you go back to your room and read the letter over and over. Your dream came true! Around your 35th time reading it in a row, you decide to stop doing that and start training so you don't seem like you're behind anyone. After a few hours of that, you went for a walk. You look inside a smoothie bar and see Denki. You stop for a second or two and Denki looks over at you. He gives you a friendly wave and motions for you to come in, so you do.

"Hey, Y/n! How are you?"

You sit down across from him, "I'm fine, how are you?"

"I'm doing amazing now that I've had this smoothie! It's a brand new flavor you need to, NEED to try it, I'll buy it for you, come on!" Before he gives you time to decline he grabs you and brings you to the counter. You laugh a little at his sudden movements as you are getting dragged behind.

"Hey there again, can I get the Blueberry-Lightning drink for this young lady over here?" He points at you with his thumb.

"Ok, coming right up!" The cashier tells the bartender to make a Blueberry-Lightning smoothie, and she tells you two to sit down until they call you up.

"You got that smoothie just because of your quirk right?" You ask Denki

"What do you mean?" He looks at you confused, "How did you know my quirk had to do with lightning?"

"Well for starters, you have a lightning mark on your hair, and your hair is also electric-yellow." You point out.

"Fair point," Denki replies. The cashier calls Denki up to get the drink. "Oh look the drink is ready!"

"You didn't answer my question!!" You yell, but he's already grabbing the drink from the counter.

Denki sits back down and he finally answers your question. "Yes, yes I did." You smile and sip the drink he got for you

"Wow, this does taste good!" You sip it again, and notice Denki watching you and he looks like he's fantasizing.

"Hello?.." You wave a hand in front of his eyes and he snaps out of it. "You good Denki?" You ask.

"What? Oh, yeah, I'm alright." Denki is blushing, and you can't tell if he's flustered or embarrassed. He takes a sip of his drink looking at you in the corner of his eye. It's obvious but you guess he doesn't know that

After you two finish your drinks you say goodbye and head home. After you get home it's kinda late and you should get some rest. You are looking through your dresser as Shoto walks in.

"Hey N/n," Shoto says.

"You remembered! Hey Sho!" You stop what you are doing to wave hello.

"Yeah, uh, Natsuo told me you were out with a guy? Who is it?"

"How did Natsu know?" You ask, very confused.

"He followed you. I guess he just wants to know what you do now? I don't know." Shoto looks just as confused as you are. "Also I didn't know you talked to other people."

"I don't. We also didn't plan this he just saw me and told me to come inside the smoothie place so I did." You continue searching your dresser, as Natsuo appears.

"YOU LIKE HIM!" He yells from the hallway. As you glare at him he squeaks and runs away. Nobody seems to know why he's scared of you in the first place, maybe it was because you left him halfway stuck in the ground for hours when you were 7.

"So who's the guy?" Shoto asks.

"Just some dumb dude named Denki. He seems to not know anything, I had to rush him out of the way of a robot in the entrance exam so he wouldn't get smashed. Natsuo comes back.

"Look at you, caring about other people than you and Sho! They grow up so fast." Natsuo wipes a fake tear from his eye. You smile as you watch him fake cry, and he walks away fake-sobbing.

"Well, I'll let you get ready for bed now. See you N/n." Shoto waves goodbye.

"See you Sho!" You close the door and change. Afterward, you lie down and slowly drift into a deep sleep.

--Nobody cares about this other stuff, so we skippin to the first day--A week later--

(Next chapter coming soon :)

Call me Denki! -- Denki Kaminari x Female Reader (Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now