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Yo Hikki desu! I feel like the story's ending or the story itself is unsatisfactory... so lately I've been cornering my cat (Kat-Chan) trying to get her write a continuation. Well, now this is more of a collaboration with me though Kat-Chan's still making the calls.

Expect shocking plot development and more IYKWIM scenes (needless to say my cat is in charge with this) ;3 but P.S. I'm a shitty writer so don't expect something great with my works. SeriousLee DONT. But guys I do appreciate the ☆votes☆somehow it makes me happy... yeah maybe writer's high? Like runner's high. Yeah also if you got spare time please comment anything that may help me improve my stories...that'd be great! But don't be too harsh on me please, just started writing guys though I'm afraid I won't improve after years of writing lels. I just write stuffs when I feel like it... so occupied with so many things like League of Legends, Anime, Manga and......sex? Jk. Haha

maybe you want to have fun with me in LOL
Add me in  garena/LOL ph
Name is 'Ougi is Araragi' and 'HikkiSaika'
If there's one thing I don't take in a  half-assed manner it'd be LOL lels

Oh and yes if you're wondering I'm a cat whisperer...Nyan

Btw chapter 02 is out

Lots of Love, Sayonara

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