Chapter 974

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Matt's POV: As we got back home, I liked what I saw on Gabby's face. She was smiling and relaxed after I surprised her with a sundae. "This was exactly what I needed." I chuckled and smiled as we walked into the house together before closing the door. When we walked in, I saw my mom standing in the kitchen. "How'd it go?" Gabby sighed and looked at my mom. "Me and Matt need time alone. I was sexually assaulted at work." My mom was shocked when she said that and so was I. "Gabby, just go lay down okay? I got it."

Gabby nodded and then walked away to go lay down in bed. Once Gabby walked away, my mom just looked at me. "Did she really just say that?" I nodded and sighed. "I would rather not talk about it considering it was by someone I considered a friend. Do you mind if me and Gabby spend some time alone? I need to make sure she's okay." My mom just looked at me and then walked over to me, hugging me. "You deserve it. Go relax with her."

I sighed and looked at my mom. "Sorry, I know we should be spending time together but..." My mom just stopped me. "Matt, remember...I've been through this. Had it not been your father, I would've wanted him to just take me in his arms and hold me. So, if I can't let you do that for Gabby...then I am a hypocrite because I know exactly what you need to do." I agreed and smiled when she said that. "Thanks mom. We can eat together though, maybe."

She agreed and smiled. "I will stay as long as you need me to. When Gabby's better...I will think about leaving." I agreed and smiled. "Now, I am going to go be with Gabby. Talk later mom." My mom them smiled as I walked away to go comfort Gabby.

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