Chapter One: Party of Agreement

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-Tommy's Point of View-

Today was the yearly "Party of Agreement". It was basically a big party between diplomats agreeing that nearby kingdoms and empires had no desire to invade one another. It was always held at the Antarctic Empire for seemingly no reason. I think Wil said we're in the center of all the kingdoms or something. To be totally honest I wasn't really listening.

I huffed as I yanked at my uncomfortable uniform again. I wore a fancy, light blue, button up shirt under my short, navy blue cloak that was lined with bright white fur. The cloak was held over my shoulders with a single gold clasp. My bright white dressy pants were equally as uncomfortable as the shirt. I wore thick leather boots even though I stood indoors. It was to impress the other guys or something. Wil shot me a look. It was the 'stop messing around before dad notices' look. I hated it.

I straightened up and looked ahead of myself. I stood at the large entrance of our grand castle. The castle was made of a white sort of brick in an attempt to match the theme of the snowy outside. A velvet blue carpet was under our feet, displaying our wealth or something Wil said at least ten minutes ago. The crystal chandelier above us was fully lit, with it's almost hundreds of candles burning. Torches and lanterns littered the castle walls, creating warmth in each room. Guards surrounded each entrance and exit. Some even stood by the sides of me and my brothers. I heard someone coming down the hall, making me look up. It was my father and mother, also known as King Phil and Queen Kristen. He was decked out in a long, navy blue cloak and decked out in all sorts of jewels while my mom wore an elegant blue dress with long sleeves and even more jewels. Both also had their snow white wings showing as a sign of their power. Yeah there's a bit of "magic" around here. It's nothing new or exciting. They stood next to my oldest brother, Technoblade, who wore an equally flashy outfit as my fathers. The three were in front of the nice line created by the five of us, supposedly displaying their places.

A trumpet sounded from outside the large wooden doors, signaling the arrival of guests. I took a deep breath and placed my arms behind me, just as Wil had taught me. I racked my brain for all the information about manners and what to say, mentally preparing myself for all the formal interaction. The tall doors creaked open and revealed kings and queens filing in with some of their court and even princes and princesses. Each wore colors or traditional clothes as a way of indicating their kingdoms. I made sure to memorize colors of kingdoms so as to not offend anyone.

My father, mother, and Techno greeted the guests, smiling at each one and shaking their hands. We all started parting ways as I plastered on a smile. I decided to take a place in the far wall of the ballroom. Somewhere not too noticeable. I was tired just from greeting the high and mighty guests. There was chatter and playful banter among the crowd. Everyone mingled with other kingdoms like they were old friends. I sighed, attempting to keep up my flashy façade. There was a sudden ringing from the front of the ballroom, grabbing everyone's attention. It was my dad ringing a small bell. He smiled as the chatter calmed down.

"Welcome everyone," He yelled to the room, getting a few responses back, "I'm glad to see that everyone has made it." He said with a smile. There were mummers of agreement through the crowd. "Why don't we kick off the festivities now, thanking each of you for another year of peace!" The crowd clapped respectfully.

Music began to play from a stage. I watched as Wil was instantly drawn to the music. It was one of his passions when he wasn't doing prince stuff. But it was saddening to see that he was imminently stopped by other princes, seeming to want to talk. Deep down, we all knew that none of this was real. We all just wanted to be on everyone's good side. Wil didn't give a look of defeat. Because that would be improper or not prince-like. Manners and shit, you know? I stood by myself, eventually receiving a small glass of non-alcoholic sparkling cider. Dad never let any alcohol be passed out during these parties in fear of drunks messing up the peace between kingdoms.

The night went on and on with few people speaking to me. Which I didn't mind. I don't like talking to other princes my age, sixteen, because the conversations never feel real. It seems like both of us would rather be elsewhere. Once everything was over, the moon was already out. The other kingdoms and empires left, going off into the night. I never knew where they stayed when they left to be honest. Well at least they come back every year, so I know that their routes are safe.

I let out a sigh as the last guest left and a guard closed the door. Once my mom and dad were out of the room, I finally spoke up. "That was boring," I said dramatically, trying to get a reaction from my brothers, "am I right fellas?" I asked with a smirk.

"God Tommy can't you act like a prince for once?" Techno asked in his monotone, accentless voice. Believe it or not, somehow Techno never picked up an accent, which is odd. I glared back at him.

"Hey-" I started before cutting myself off. I felt like I could never unwind. Not even around my own brothers. Techno was always like this. Too formal and never leaving room for fun or anything other than formalities. I looked to Wil who was already halfway up one of the large spiral staircases. Techno was soon to follow, each of them heading off to their rooms. I looked around the now emptied ballroom. I felt a pang of loneliness. The maids and butlers were cleaning up the small messes from the party, never looking up from their tasks.

I walked up to my own room, slowly making my way down the corridors. The walls were lined with lanterns. Guards decked out in shining iron armor also stood around the corridors, watching every movement within the building. I finally came to the door of my room, giving guard at the outside door a small nod. I shut my door behind me and started immediately removing my uniform. I changed into more relaxing clothes, finally getting ready for bed. I looked in my mirror and ruffled my blonde hair. I jumped onto my large bed, burying my face into one of the fancy pillows.

I should be grateful. But I just want a "normal" life. I can never catch my breath in this stuffy castle. I'm always expected to be the golden boy since I'm the youngest. Techno is expected to act as someone ready to be king. This means he has to be into politics, have controlled expressions, and more formal things that I sometimes don't understand. I stood from my bed and went to the large window on the far side of my room. I looked over the snow-covered city, watching the flickering lights. I wish I could go down there. Make new friends. Do anything but princely duties. Then I had a revelation. I could go down there. Who was gonna stop me? 

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