k records

513 24 7

march 19th, 1988

tacoma, washington

"killer set."

molly internally cringed at her choice of words, fighting off the urge to turn and run.

"um- thanks," kurt said, confusion still apparent, "not trying to sound like an asshole, but what are you doing here?"

"i didn't know it was you," she said, "i mean, i knew it was you. i mean- uh, i knew it was nirvana. but i didn't know nirvana was... you."

"right," he said slowly, "so... why tacoma?"

"oh," she said holding up her camera, "i'm here for the rocket. apparently you guys are the next big thing. but, uh, i live in in seattle now."

kurt nodded slowly, as if he was still processing the sight of molly in front of him.

"do you, uh," he hesitated, "do you wanna go see krist?

molly's face broke into a smile as she nodded enthusiastically.

he smiled softly and jerked his head to the right, "c'mon, he's back here."

molly followed him past the stage, where two guys were taking the drum set apart and unplugging the amps.

kurt opened the door to a small room where a few people sat, sitting on couches and sipping beers.

molly's eyes were instantly drawn to the tallest person in the room- krist.

she smiled, but didn't move from the threshold until he noticed her standing there.

"molly?" krist said standing up and rushing towards her, bringing her smaller frame in for a crushing hug, "what the fuck? i didn't know you were coming," he pulled back, "where the hell have you been?"

she laughed, returning his enthusiasm, "good to see you too, krist."

"can i get you something? a beer?" he asked, grinning.

"i'd love a beer."

they sat on one of the couched as they caught up, the tall man telling her all about the shows nirvana had been doing, the names they went through, and their revolving door of drummers.

"i really wish i could stay longer," krist said as he glanced up at the clock.

"ah, well, if shelli says it's bedtime, it's bedtime."

molly had only met shelli dilley once, but she could tell you the woman was not to be messed with.

she could also tell you that shelli and krist were 100% made for each other.

they stood up together, embracing once again.

"don't be a stranger," he said with a smirk as he turned to go.

"never again."

molly remained in the same spot, still smiling, when she felt the weight of someone's gaze on her.

she turned, meeting kurt's eyes.

he looked down, obviously trying to avoid her.

so, she walked up to him and plopped down to the couch.

"do you, uh, do you wanna get out of here?"

kurt turned to her with wide eyes.

"not like that, weirdo. i just meant... well, would you wanna go hang out at my apartment?"

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