Ducky and Panda

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It had been 4 months And the three had started dating each other.

This was Now a new Beginning For Karl.

Though He missed Sapnap and Quackity, His Life With Ducky and Panda Has Never been better.

The two looked like Sapnap and Quackity. Karl was suspicious but Realized He had to move on.

all he wanted was Now Right Infront of him. Ducky and Panda.

But.. it's really not the end is it?

Of course not.

I mean.. Everyone around Karl is Not In Control Right?

"Karl We need to talk."

"Aww, His Ducky!"

"Karl. I'm being Serious."

"What do you mean ducky?"

"stop fucking-"



Karl's Eyes Widened.

"Goddamnit Karl. If Wilbur found out Sapnap and I Were alive. We would've got killed."


"Karl.. Karl- KARL."

Karl woke up from a Dream, Yeah well.. He needed time to move on or whatever, But that Dream. It felt. Real.

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