To See Him Again

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Vanessa's pov

Its been I a week since I last seen Brad, its killing me to call him but I'm nervous to talk and I'm not really that confident to hear that delicious accent of his-

"yo! Nes!" Leslie says cutting my thoughts

"yeah sorry, what were you saying?" I asked

Me and her are at the mall having a few snacks while waiting on Leslie's boyfriend and yes they made up thanks to my genius advise

"You ok?" she asked

"yeah I was just thinking-"

"about Brad?" she cuts me off  before I  could say an excuse

"its really hard to forget about him, God I miss his freaking face!" I said

"call him and say your sorry, it's killing me that I'm seeing you like this" she points to me

"like what? Gorgeous?"

"no! Miserable"

"I'm not miserable"

"yes you are, you cried for 3 days straight for him and you finally stopped 2 days ago which is an improvement" she says taking a sip on her coke

"okay fine I miss him so much! His literally in my brain I can't get him out"

"get who out?" Michael says joininh on the conversation

"Brad" his girlfriend answered

He laughed takes a seat "wow your really stuck on him huh?"

"shut up" I said

"look you have to see him, I bet he misses you" Leslie says

"maybe he's busy?"

"no he's not, I mean technically not yet" Michael says

"what do you mean not yet?"

"You didn't tell her?" Michael says to Leslie

"it's slipped out of my mind" she argues

"tell me what?"

"the vamps have a gig tonight at 9,and since it's 7 so their probably doing sound check by now" Leslie says

"why didn't you tell me!" I said grabbing my phone and standing up "may I barrow your keys?" I ask to Leslie

"sure, I'm getting a ride from Michael anyway" she says simply and then giving her keys to me

"thanks, see ya guys" I said and they waved told me 'good luck'

I got in Leslie's car and drive off, Michael text me where were the gig was and i thanked him for it. Once I got there I saw the clock on my phone and seeing it the time and it reads 8 o'clock

I got out of the car and quickly sneaked in the back, the guards was all on the front assign the huge crown to see them

I finally got in and sneaked and looked for the dressers "hey!" I hear a guard shouts to me so I run and once I did I finally found their dresser

I opened the door and see them "hi, I nee-" someone tackles me before I could finish

The boys act quickly "woah she's fine she's our friend" James says to guard

He let's go of me and I stood up, the guard apologized and I accepted it then he leaves "sorry" I said to all of them, I look all the room and I saw unfamiliar faces

"hi, you must be Vanessa" a short blonde says


"it's George, that's Reece and Blake is over there" George says pointing out who is who

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