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Vanessa's pov

"so you guys told each other that you like each other and he didn't even bother to ask you out on one date really?" Leslie says

I'm telling Leslie about what happened outside with Brad,and honestly she's not helping

"ok I was kinda hoping he would ask me out but he didn't."

"well you should do the asking part" she says sipping her soda

I laughed "no-I can't do that, seems like I'm desperate which I'm not" still laughing a little

"it doesn't like desperate, I asked out Michael and he doesn't mind that"

"wait you did?"

"yes, you should do it tomorrow or later when he comes back"she says getting up from her seat

" You know your not helping in my situation right? "I yell

" how dare you!, I gave you advise and this is what you do to repay me! "she yell back and I just chuckled silently

I turned on my Netflix and watched outer banks " hey I've got to go, me and Michael are going to lunch. Say hi to Brad for me"she says grabbing her keys and leaving

I heard the door shut and I was alone again but I didn't mind it I like being alone but right now I wish I had Brad with me

A few hours later

Its about 5 pm and still Brad isn't here yet, I had lunch already so I kept watching outer banks and until I finished I decided to clean up a little bit. I walked through Leslie's room and I saw she haven't cleaned since the 4th of July god she's a slob I thought

After I was done cleaning I called Leslie and asked her if she's coming home or not, she says she's gonna stay at Michael's again and I didn't mind it

I was about to sit down when I heard a knock, I went to get it and it was brad "hi" he says

"hey" I said letting him in

"I'm sorry it took forever-"

"it's okay, I'm just glad you came" I cut him off buy hugging him

"I bought food wanna have dinner?" he says and I smiled at him widely

"You should get a girlfriend if you keep doing this" I said grabbing the food away from his hands

"why would I did that? I already have you" he says and I blushed

"okay Romeo let's watch a movie while we eat" I said grabbing hand pulling him over to the couch

We sat down after I head to the kitchen to get utensils and plates so we can eat properly, once I did I sat down next to him

We decided to watch wreck it Ralph and we enjoyed it having each other's company, when the movie ended I look at Brad and he was already looking at me

"what?" I asked

"nothing,your just adorable" he says

"stop with the compliments, I don't deserve it" I said shyly

"You do deserve it, and besides it my job to make you smile" he says

"since when?" I ask

"since I married you" he says

I laughed "okay true, but if we get divorced that's not gonna happen again"

"yes exactly if we get divorced" he paused "but until we're married it's my job okay" he says pulling my thigh towards him and now I'm straddling him

"okay" I said putting my arms around him and giggling

"your cute when you giggle" he says

I blushed "why thank you"

He was about to kiss me when the door flew open "nessa! I-oh sorry I didn't mean to intrude" Leslie says covering her eyes

I got off Brad and saying to her "I thought your gonna be at Michael's?"

"I was about to but we had a fight, and  no I don't want to talk about it" she says "anyway how is your night?" she asked

"it was going good but you showed up" Brad says standing up

"I know I saw"

"Leslie could you leave please?" I said

"okay jeez I'll leave just use protection okay"

"go!" I said throwing her a pillow

She runs away and closed her door but then opens it again "make good choices" she says poking her head out

"Leslie!" me and Brad said together

She shuts the door again locks it, I look at Brad and he looks at me and we laughed "why are we laughing again?" I asked

"I don't know" he said both of us chuckling

We stopped laughing "so are going to sleep here again?" I asked

"well if you want me too-"

"I want you too!" I said cutting him off

"great because I don't want to go" he says finally kissing me

I pull away "c'mon let's go to bed I'm tired" I said and he pouts

"damn it, if Leslie wasn't here I would totally-"

"Brad! You perv!" I said

"what it's true and you know it" he winks

"shut up" I said blushing pulling him towards my bedroom again

I changed into something comfortable while Brad was in the bathroom, and he came out shirtless wearing only sweatpants and I couldn't help but stare

"take a picture it'll last longer" he says

"haha" I laughed sarcastically

We got into the bed and we faced each other "good night" I say

"night" he says kissing me softly

I smiled at him once he pulled away "what?" he asked

"nothing" I said still smiling

"stop smiling before I could kiss you again and trust me I'm not gonna stop" he says

"okay fine" I paused "just one more kiss" I said and this time I kissed him a little longer

Once I pull away he bites his lips "okay I'm going to sleep" he says and I laughed at he's reaction

I pull his around me so I could be on his chest and he didn't mind it. After a few minutes I hear him snoring a little bit and I couldn't help but laugh, I finally drift off to sleep after a few minutes

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