I'm Married!

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Vanessa's pov

"there's no way I'm married to a stranger!" I shout as I stand up from my seat

"nes calm down, maybe it was a mistake m-maybe it was a prank or something" Leslie says trying to make me calm

"it's not a prank leslie this is real-oh my God what did I do last night"

"besides sleeping with a guy, I don't know" Leslie says

I look at her with a death glare "will you stop joking around this is serious"

"Vanessa just call Brad and tell him what happened maybe he didn't get one"

"no I'm not gonna call him...well not yet at least, I have to figure this out first and I will call him tomorrow maybe"

"so how are you gonna figure this out then?" she asks

"I don't know yet but I will figure it out I swear on my mom"

"ok then, I will support you all the way nes"

The next day

Vanessa's outfit 👇

Its about lunch time and I'm talking to the person who created the marriage license or something like that

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Its about lunch time and I'm talking to the person who created the marriage license or something like that

"look this is a mistake I'm not married, I don't even have a boyfriend for God sakes"

"I'm sorry Mrs. Simpson but it's true, your husband and you were here last night very late might I add and you ask us to marry you. This is no mistake"

I sighed "first I'm not Mrs Simpson I'm just Vanessa Barnes okay? Secondly I'm gonna come back with my so called husband and we will talk to you" I said getting up and leaving

As I left the office I saw Leslie waiting for me "so how did it go?" she asks

"not good, apparently I was here with Brad last night and we got married for no apparent reason" I huffed

"calm down Vanessa, so are you gonna call him now?"

"no" I paused "I'm gonna go to his apartment and talk to him, and your coming with me of course" I said pulling her with me, and she didn't complain about this

We took her car and drove to his apartment, we arrived in almost an hour because of traffic and all that

We went to the floor and knocked to his door. As Tristan opened the door I burst in without context "we need to talk" I said to Brad who is seating at the couch


I didn't let him finish because I took his arm and dragged him to his bedroom, I closed the door and looked at him

"wow I thought your not that type of girl" he smirks

"what? Oh no this is not-look Brad did you get a letter or something?" I ask

"I don't know why?"

"well you should ask your friends if you do" I said sitting on his bed

"okay I'll be back" he says and leaves

After a few minutes later he comes back with a envelope with him "is this is?" he asks and I nod

He walks over to the bed and sits next to me "should I be freaking out?" he asks

"just open it"

He sighs and opened it, he reads it and his face drops into a worried face "we're married?" he said

I nod "apparently we got married last night and we dont even remember it happening" I said

He got up from his seat "well did you do something about it?"

"I tried but apparently it's no mistake or whatever he said, look I'm gonna go back to him and your coming with me this time" I said getting up from his bed and coming over to him

I grabbed his hand "please come with me" I plead

He looks at me "I'll get my jacket" he says

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