Break Up & Make Up

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*Break Up*

You never thought of Kuwabara as the type to cheat. But you'd been feeling a little insecure of late and thoughts had been entering your mind as to whether or not you were good enough to be with him. You tried your best to shake off those thoughts and never voiced them to Kuwabara.

However, after seeing him standing rather close to and whispering back and forth with another girl, of whom you thought looked much prettier than you, you couldn't help but let those thoughts consume you as you approached Kuwabara and started arguing with him, asking whether or not you were good enough for him.

He took a moment too long to respond and you ended up walking away in tears.

*Make Up*

You'd ignored the multitude of missed calls you'd recieved from Kuwabara and ignored him in person as he tried to talk to you at school for the past week.

That is until he cornered you in the hallway and explained that he was never cheating on you but was planning a surprise for you and the girl was helping him out. She had a boyfriend anyway.

You were stunned and a little embarrassed once you realised the truth and hugged Kuwabara as you apologised for yelling at him. He forgave you as he knew it was just a misunderstanding.

A/N: Another chapter for my lovely readers! Hope you Enjoy!

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