First Kiss

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It wasn't until your tenth date that you guys finally got around to sharing your first kiss, mainly due to how shy/nervous the two of you felt about sharing such an intimate moment. It was a pretty cheesy kiss too.

Kuwabara had taken you to a carnival and the two of you had a lot of fun going on rides, winning prizes for each other and eating food together before heading over to the Ferris Wheel. Then, as the carriage you guys were in reached the top and the fireworks went off, the two of you shared your very first kiss.

That was the last ride you wanted to go on before leaving the carnival and the two of you walked home hand in hand with blushes on your cheeks and smiles on your lips.

A/N: I'm back with another chapter for my lovely readers! Sorry for any crappiness or OOCness. Hope you Enjoy!

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