17-The True Love of my Life

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Freddie's POV:

When I opened my front door I found my beautiful girlfriend drenched head to toe from the storm. She must of walked here. Ohhh Sam...

F: "Hey Sammy" I said and pulled her into a hug. We stayed there for around 30 seconds before she looked up at me and smiled.
S: "Hi" she said and she gave me a kiss. Her hands were placed around my waist and my hands where on the top of her butt. She was looking up at me with her beautiful eyes.
F: "You're really cold baby"
S: "Well thanks captain obvious!"
I chuckled.
F: "Come in"
S: "Whatever"
F: "Wait here, I'm gonna get you some clothes"
S: "Ok" she sighed and slumped into the couch.
I walked into my room and grabbed her her tshirt and shorts she left here last time, I also grabbed her my hoodie.
I walked back to the living room and I gave her my clothes.
F: "You can get changed in the bathroom"
S: "Or I could get changed in here?"

Sam's POV:

I saw Freddie flash a crimson red. Aww! Ew, that's girly as fuck, whatever .
Freddie cleared his throat... nub.
F: "Y-you sure?"
S: "Yeah. You're my boyfriend, I want to show you I'm comfortable around you."
F: "O-k then.."
I took of my jacket and then slowly took of my top. I was wearing a black, lace push- up bra to impress Freddie, like always, but when he saw it I notice him force himself or look away. Hahaha, nub! I then put on Freddie's hoodie and then I took off my jeans. I was wearing matching knickers to the bra by the way and I put on my shorts. These are my dance shorts that Freddie picked up so they grip my butt and show its shape. Damn you Freddie!!!! I dumped my self next to Freddie on his couch, wrapped my arms around him, rested my head on his chest, gave his chest a kiss and snuggled into him.
S: "Love you" I muffled.
F: "Love you too"
S: "Did you make me wear these shorts so I could turn you on and then want you to make out with me?"
F: "Is it working?"
S: "Take a guess" I say and kiss him... then you know what happens.

Sorry this is so short!!

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