✦ Eleven

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I find myself back in my village, trapped in a small corner with no prospect of escape.The droids have their blasters raised, ready to shoot. I shut my eyes, waiting for the end, but it never comes.

I hear a low humming noise and the sharp clang of metal falling to the ground. Confused, I open my eyes. 

All the droids have been cut in half. In front of me stands a short green creature holding... a beam of light?

He tilts his head and presses a button on the metal cylinder at the base of his weapon. The beam of light instantly disappears. 

 "Scared, do not be. Here to help you I am." I am puzzled as to why he speaks that way, but can understand him clearly. "Strong with the Force, you are. Train to be a Jedi, you can. But first, get out of here we must. Come." 

I make to follow him, and the scene in front of me shifts. 

I am now standing in front of a man, no, a boy, with black hair and a small braid. A padawan braid. His expression is contorted into one of fury, and his sea green eyes are imbued with a sickly yellow. 

"I see through the lies of the Jedi, Master. I cannot remain on the light side any longer."

"Don't go this way, my padawan," I implore. The words tumble out of my mouth as if I have said them before. Have I?

He activates his lightsaber. "The dark side is the only way."

I shake my head. "Then I will do what I must." 

Green meets violet in a flash of sparks. Two Jedi, one teacher and one student, battle, one struggling for serenity and one seething with anger. 

Inevitably, my padawan slips up and my lightsaber impales his chest. I catch him before he falls to the ground, looking sorrowfully into his eyes that are glossy and green once more.

"I- I'm sorry, Master," he chokes between tears before falling limp in my arms.

The world around me disappears and turns into swirls of red, green, and blue. I hear a torrent of voices calling out to me, overlapping in a desperate attempt to make themselves heard. 


"Padawan y/l/n..."

"Balance in the Force..."

"Knight y/l/n..."

"Fear leads to anger..."

"Master y/l/n..."

The colors become brighter and the noises become louder until I'm sure I can't take it anymore. Then, as suddenly as they came, they are gone. I'm floating, floating in an ocean of darkness. A familiar sound begins to draw me out of the depths. 


"Y/n!" In a flash, my eyes opened and I shot up to a sitting position. Beside me knelt Mando and the child, who cooed loudly, his large eyes filled with concern.

"You okay?" 

I tried to control my erratic breathing. "I'm f-"

"Don't lie."

I sighed in defeat. "Just a nightmare. I'm okay." I then noticed that I was back in our hut with a blanket over me and morning light streaming through the windows. "What happened?"

"Concussion and blaster wound. You've been out for two days."

"Oh." No one spoke for a minute. Mando seemed to be waiting for me to say something, but I remained quiet. 

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