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I turned to the brown-haired boy beside me and smiled. At eight years old, we were inseparable and spent most of our hours together. We shared our secrets, our hopes and dreams. 

"Yes, Din?"

"Look what I made you!"

He pulled out a f/c friendship bracelet with a single silver charm dangling from it. My grin widened as he tied it onto my wrist. 

"It's because we're friends! I have one too, see?" he explained, gesturing to his wrist.

Delighted, I replied, "It's perfect! Thanks, Din. Best friends forever, right?" 

"Of course, silly."

Din and I rose from the tree trunk we sat upon and linked arms with a giggle. Hand in hand, we skipped down the path that would lead us to our houses, occasionally stopping to admire an oddly shaped rock or cloud. The slight breeze ruffled our hair, making the heat less stifling. Birds sang and crickets chirped in the golden evening light. I sighed contentedly. It was as perfect as home could be.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by my mother's faint voice, calling me.

"Y/n, ad'ika, it's time for- Oh, there you are! Come inside, please!" 

I sighed again, then said, "Just when we were having the most fun. See you tomorrow, Din!" 

We gave each other a quick hug and dashed into our respective dwellings. 

Little did we know.

• • •

A/N: Thanks for checking out my story! I'm not 100% decided on where it will go, so feel free to comment suggestions.

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