✦ Seven

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Y/n's POV

For a moment, we just stood there and stared at each other. I cleared my throat, trying to break the awkward silence. "Nice armor. Have a change of heart?"

"Something like that." replied Mando's modulated voice.

"Great." I turned back around and, rather violently, ripped off the gatekeeper droid's head, causing it to screech and sparks to fly. The door slid open and we rapidly backed against the wall, concealing ourselves from the stormtroopers who marched out. 

"Check the perimeter," one announced robotically. Once they had passed, Mando placed a detonator on the opposite wall. The device beeped rapidly and flashed red as we stepped away, turning our heads so as to not be blinded by the explosion. When the wall came crashing down, we looked back at the Imperial compound.  Alarms were starting to blare and various devices were short-circuiting.

Kicking away some debris, I gestured to Mando. "Mandos first."  We cautiously stepped inside the building, blasters ready for any sign of trouble.  As two stormtroopers turned a corner, we backed against a wall. Mando and I went unnoticed by them, and as they walked past us, we simultaneously shot them in the back.

A third stormtrooper entered the area with a flashlight on their rifle and bent down to inspect the rubble and bodies of the ones we just shot. Mando acted quickly, knocking him down with his blaster and shooting him right away. 

We ventured further into the compound, crouching down behind a crate as Mando used his grappling hook to trap and kill yet another trooper. I blasted the control panel of a door in the hallway, causing it to slide open, revealing two more stormtroopers.  We shot them quickly, then advanced into the room, which looked to be a laboratory. A blaster bolt came out of nowhere, striking Mando in the Beskar. I turned to the source and threw a knife at the trooper, unsurprised when the blade hit its target with deadly accuracy. 

We looked around the lab and spotted Doctor Pershing. He raised a hand in a defense when we aimed our blasters at him. "No, no, no, no. Please! Please, no, no no." Instead of firing at him, Mando took down a droid carrying a syringe over to the child.

 Sparks flew, metal clanged, and when Mando and I turned our attention back to the doctor, he cried, "No, please! Please don't hurt him. It's just a child." He gestured to the table behind him in a protective manner.

"Where is he? What did you do to him?" I demanded, our stances unwavering. Mando walked forward and shoved the doctor out of the way onto the floor, all while he pleaded with us not to hurt the child. I caught sight of the child on the lab table; he appeared to be breathing and asleep while a machine ran diagnostics. 

"What did you do to it?" asked Mando. When Doctor Pershing only whimpered, he repeated the question more forcefully. 

"I protected him. I protected him." he stammered. "If it wasn't for me, he would already be dead!" I gave Mando a sideways look as the doctor continued to plead with us. "Please, please." Mando swiftly grabbed the child, and motioned for me to follow him as we left the room. 

Making our way to the exit, Mando and I traipsed carefully through the maze of hallways, hiding behind a stack of boxes as stormtroopers passed by. We entered a storeroom, backs against the wall, trying not to be seen by the troopers trying to find us.

"Split up. We'll flush them out."

"Copy." They activated their flashlights, scanning the room for any trace of us. "Give it up. There's nowhere to-"

The soldier was cut off by my fist. Mando knocked out the second, and he dropped to the floor.  "Hey!" The stormtrooper didn't have a chance to fire his blaster before Mando stunned him with electricity. We ran to the next room, the child starting to wake up, and were met by two stormtroopers. Where are these guys coming from?

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