❤Chapter 2❤

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I couldn't belive it. I was rooming with a dude. A very hot dude at that. "So which room is mine?" I ask uncomfortably. Ashton points down the hall he came out of. "Down that hall, first door ta the right," he says in his sexy South Carolina accent. That's right, you heard, me his accent is sexy. "Kay," I mumble as I grab one of my bags. Ashton walks over and grabs my other bags and leads the way to my room.

"What are you doing?" I ask as I follow him down the hall and to my room door. "Helping you with your bags," he says in a duh tone.

Oh was all I could say. He set my bags inside the door and turns to walk out. "Thanks," I call as he exits my room and opens the door across the hall from mine. I close my door and look around the room.

The walls are an off white that meets the same color carpet. There is a queen size bed pushed against the middle of the back wall and a small wooden night stand to the right of it.

There is a door on both the left wall and the right wall. The door on the right leads to a huge walk in closet, and the one to the left leads to a large bathroom.

The bathroom has tile flooring that meets the same off white as the room outside.

There is a large, light colored, marble looking shower just to the right of the door. Across from the shower is a large, light granite countertop that stretches half the wall length.

The sink sits on the right edge of the counter. A large mirror covers about half way up the wall from the counter stretching the entire length of the counter.

I walk back into my room and lift my first bag of clothes onto the bed to begin unpacking. I unpack my bag and a half of clothes, putting them in the closet, before taking my toiletries to the bathroom and put them away.

I pull my third and final bag on the bed and unzip it. I place my hairbrush on the dresser beside the door and begin pulling my flat iron, curling irons, and hair products out.

I put my shampoo and conditioner in the shower and lined the rest up on the counter in the bathroom. When I was satisfied with my room I slid the bags under the bed and went to find something to eat.

I went in the large kitchen and opened the pantry. I dug through the pantry looking for a protein bar. When I found nothing, I went to the refrigerator to see if I could find some fruit. I found a pack of strawberries and a basket of grapes.

I grabbed a couple strawberries and some grapes and walked back to the living room to watch some tv. I ate my strawberries and was about to eat my grapes when Ashton walked in.

"What are you doing?" He demanded. "Eating some fruit and watching tv," I replied shrugging my shoulders.
"You didin eat mu strawberries, did cha?" He asked. I nodded my head slowly. "Son of a bitch! I fuckin need those right now!" He yelled throwing his hands in the air.
"Just go buy more," I commented turning back to the tv. "I can't just go buy more," he mimicked in a high pitched voice. "What do you need them for anyway?" I asked. His face paled a little. "Nuthin, don't worry bout it," he said as he left. "Whatever," I mumbled to myself.
At about six, I went back into the kitchen and began looking through cabinets for a cookie sheet and a pot. When I found the pan, I put the chicken thighs I found on the pan and put it in the oven.
Then I put some peas in a pot and put them on the stove. Ashton walked in with a couple jars and put them in the refrigerator then walked back out. While the food was cooking I walked over to the living room where Ashton was sitting on the couch watching TV.
"I'm cooking some food if you're hungry," I said leaning against the doorway between the two rooms. "I might get some later," he replied not looking away from the TV. "So what was in those jars you brought in?" I asked casually. "Nothing," he replied glancing over his shoulder. "Okay," I walked back into the kitchen with a shrug of my shoulders.
I checked the chicken and stirred the peas. I looked back over my shoulder to be sure he was still focused on the TV. Once I was sure he was fully ingrossed on the TV, I opened the frige to see what he had put in there.
Pushed to the back of the fridge were two mason jars. There was one jar with a light pinkish liqud in it and strawberries in the bottom. The other was apple juice colored with apple slices and a couple small cinnamon rolls in the bottom. I didn't know what they were so I left them alone and went back to cooking.
When the food was finished, I fixed a plate and sat down to eat. Ashton walked in and fixed him a plate too. He sat down, bowed his head and said the blessing. We ate in silence after that. When we finished, I put the leftover food up and went to my room to take a shower and go to bed.

So here is the second chapter I hope you like it. I'm going to try to update every Wednesday for as long as I can or until the book is done. That's all folks. See ya next week.

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