Settling In

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Naruko pov
Gaara had just led us to his house with his siblings we are really close since the genie exams so I settled in quickly. I knew kakashi wasn't having the greatest time since kankuro, gaara, and temari were glaring at him. Kakashi was also glaring at gaara I could almost see the dislike for me being close to gaara. I chuckled thinking of how cute he looked. My chuckle drew everyone's attention to me so I announced that I would cook dinner since it was only fair as I was the guest. I could see everyone didn't have much of a problem with that since I made decent cooking.

Temari pov
It has been so long since I have seen Naruko and I can say she is so cute!!! I'm so happy to have my little sister living with us but I'm still going to glare at the man who took my sisters heart if he hurts her I'll kill him. Then I heard naruko-chans cute laugh and I'm not lying when I say I almost had a nosebleed at how cute she sounded. When she said she was going to cook I had no complaints she has the best cooking ever!!! Like gaara can cook but not that well and Kankuro let's just say no while I can pull something off but definitely not as good as Narukos. I was almost jumping from excitement!

Naruko pov
Finally it's done the cooking was finished and now I just needed to call everyone. But as I looked at the table they were already their shoveling their mouths!! Hey stop I called I want some so I quickly joined the fight for food.
When dinner stopped and everyone started to go to bed me and kashi started to head upstairs to sleep. I was tired all that running around  strained my energy and kashi and i's activities didn't help I was out as soon as I hit the bed.

Kakashi pov
I chuckled as I watched naru-chans cute sleeping face I leaned down and kissed her while tucking myself in and curling her up in my arms maybe moving to suna wasn't such a bad thing.

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