Part 1

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You open your eyes. The bluish sky fills your view and the breeze lightly touch your skin. Your ear slowly perceiving the sound of the grass whooshing. Consciously breathing, you look around, and it seems like you're in open field of some sort. Your thought is all over the the place as you try to remember how you got here . You thinking one by one to ease your memory. You begin to speak your own name.

"(Y/N) (L/N)" is the first word comes from your mouth in this place.

Instead of waking up, you lie down for a while and wonder how you got here. This place doesn't seem like from your home. You try your best but you only remember you had some errand to do before being toss into some random location.

"Oh well, waiting around won't get me any answer but at least i'm still remember my own name" You thought.

You slowly stand up and examine your whole body for any injuries. Luckily, you are in good condition and same thing can be said to your clothes. You check your belongings, only to find out that you barely have anything.

The boy look up in the sky again, wondering what should be doing right now. Pondering on how he return to his home.  He begin to look around again, try to get used to the surroundings. The young man wonder if this place is really far away from his home. Something tells him that this place is really different. He can't quite sure why.

You try to calm your mind and slowly collect himself "Calm down, (Y/N). You can do this. You may don't know where you are for now, but at least you should be grateful you are safe and sound."

"Now then, what should I do? ..... Well I guess I can walk into any other direction and hope for the best".

 It doesn't take long for the boy to realize that this place is rather odd. He can't quite put his finger why, almost as if he's in another world.  After much time later, he stumbled upon a forest.

"A forest huh?...... and there's a trail too. I wonder where does this trail will lead me to..." The boy traverse through the forest, hoping to find any sort of clue of his whereabouts. It's been hours since he trudging through the forest with no luck. Just as he was about to think he's lost in the woods, something unexpected caught his eyes. A girl has gray hair and red eyes. She wears a brownish-black one-piece with pink sleeves and a gray capelet. She also wears a necklace with a crystal pendant. It looks like she's carrying some kind of strangely shape metal rod. She also carries a mouse in a basket by her tail.

"What the..." surprised (Y/N). "A mouse..... girl? but I've never seen such thing? What is that creature?". He's rubbing his eyes in case he's seen things. A literal giant humanoid female rat. 

After walking around for a while, the girl stopped "hmmm... the rod is pointing in this direction of this area but I can't find anything. Hopefully my rats will be able to track it down " The mouse girl frowned, looking around for something missing.

"That girl looks like she searched for something, maybe i can give her a hand?.... and who knows, maybe she can help me too?" (Y/N) said while slowly approaching her.

"ummmm... hello" (Y/N) greets her while waving his hand, walking to her.

"umm?" She heards your voice and turns her head to look at you. "Ah, a human? Very rare to see your kind here far from the village. " She spoke while examine your whole attire. "No wonder, you be must an outsider, correct? " She assumed.

"Village? outsider? what is she talking about" You thought to yourself. Before you could ask her, she speaks again.

"Ah, I forgot. I'm Nazrin, and you?" She introduced herself with a smile.

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