Chapter 31: Disappointment

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Author's Pov

Jennie's eyes sparkled looking at the beautiful garden in front of her, she recently discovered the glamorous garden view that can be seen from her big window.

She looked back as she heard the door opening behind her. A glorious smile making its way on her face. "Hey?" The person asked who just entered, she went towards the female and they both sat on the bed.

"What happened? You look a bit tired." Jennie asked while the other beauty only sighed, nodding after a minute of silence. "Yeah, this homeschooling is harder than I imagined." Chaeyoung complaint.

"But luckily Jimin is trying his best to help me with it and I kinda feel bad for him because I am just being a burden-" Chaeyoung sighed softly, Jennie smiled, knowing how much of a kind soul her friend was.

"But he is doing this for you, isn't he? He loves you and in love, you should not feel bad but rather appreciate it and do your best." Jennie cheered her up and the younger smiled, chuckling at her.

"Okay my mother," the young female playfully said and decided to go as she needed to be in the school meeting. Jennie smiled as she closed the door and sighed feeling a bit lonely again.

What am I doing? She thought. What about her? She believes that she was the one who had a problem, despite having an opportunity to do some work here she was, standing alone in a room, which wasn't even her.

She felt like a spoiled brat, a slut. It felt like she was somewhat using Taehyung, more than a lover? Should she even say that? Heck, he never classified their relationship, were they still sex partners? Even if not, she felt like one.

She felt like Taehyung was her sugar daddy, he paid for everything she does, wears, and eats. She felt like that was her place for now, or maybe a mistress? Well, he was going to marry someone else.

Wasn't she a wall? Between Stephanie and Taehyung. They are going to marry and yet Taehyung doesn't spend any time with her, his soon-to-be wife. But her? Why?

Her mind was always filled with these types of questions. Blaming herself for anything that happens to Taehyung or if she thinks how would Stephanie feels when she sees her fiancée kissing another girl, Stephanie was bad but still don't deserve this.

Yet, she couldn't refrain herself from Taehyung. Never try to make him realize that he is going to marry and has his fiancée under the same roof. This is all wrong! No, she never did that because she also knew.

She loves him.
Jennie is madly in love with him.

Her negative thoughts and emotions ended when someone's strong arms engulfed her from behind, she smiled knowing who it was. She turned around, enveloping him too inside her warm hug. They stood like that, in each other's arms.

Again, forgetting the consequences.

They both cuddled on the bed, Taehyung was already asleep in her arms. She smiled and ruffled his hair, she loved his hair too much. Playing with them was her favorite thing to do. Smelling the smell of the expensive shampoo he uses.

Their calm moment got disturbed by a call, coming from Taehyung's phone. He groaned and grabbed it, pressing the answering button in the process. "WHAT?!" Jennie halted in surprise when Taehyung shouted.

He was angry, fuming in rage. His veins popping out, she gulped knowing whatever the call is for, that shit is very wrong and maybe important too. He cut the call and Jennie patted his back, a way to calm him down and he did.

He kissed her lips and immediately went away leaving the said girl dumbfounded. What could've happened? She thought.

The whole room has been awfully silent since Mr. Kim entered, fuming in anger. Cold drops of sweats running down the people present in the room, everyone. While Mr. Kim sat there in silence.

"So, what happened?" The old man asked and Jin as the oldest decided to say, he gulped and stutter at first, but cleared his throat and continued.

"Someone sneaked inside Taehyung's office room and stole the property papers." Mr. Kim took a glance at his son and asked everyone, "Who did this?"

Everyone gulped down in fear and Jungkook decided to spoke this time, "We don't know." A loud thud was made by the old man and everyone halted in surprise and fear.

"Are you all fucking dumb to not track down who it was?" Mr. Kim rarely curses, this means he was very disappointed in his team, the gang he trained for years to make them the best out of best.

He treated everyone like his children but this doesn't mean he would forgive them too. Business was important and his priority. Taehyung gulped and said, "someone stole my key."

Mr. Kim clapped his hands and his son knew this wasn't a good sign, "I can't believe you are that dumb to let anyone stole your most important key! What were you doing that time, huh?!" Taehyung only held his head low in shame.

The old man massaged his temple, calming himself down. "What about the cameras?" He asked to which Yoongi replied, "Someone hacked it." The man looked at all of them in disbelief.

He can't believe his gang, the most dangerous Mafia gang's heir office room camera's got hacked despite them having the best security system. Yoongi was a skilled hacker and his codes were almost impossible to break unless someone knew them all.

"I don't know how but I want that intruder inside this meeting room- I am giving all of you one day time. If you all didn't get that person's beaten body hereby that time, I won't hesitate to punish you all!" Mr. Kim shouted and went away, slamming the door shut.

Everyone knows how dangerous Mr. Kim can be when he is angry and this wasn't just a simple matter, it was huge and important. Jimin sighed and looked at his member's faces, they were dull and full of fear.

"Who could be the intruder?"

Hey, minies! Again, sorry for the late chapter but my head is messy right now and I was having severe stomach pain today, but now I am good!

Anyways, hope you liked the chapter~
Vote if you did!

Love you all,

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