Chapter 4

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Vansh with Aangre goes toward exit just then Aangre collide with someone and car key fall down but he didn't notice it. Riddhima sees that pick the keys and goes behind them

They both are about to reach near car then

R : Mr Angre.. Mr Angre..

They stop and turn. They see Riddhima coming toward them. Angre said

An : yes

R : Your car key fall....

And handed keys to him

An : Oh ya thank you.

Vansh recive a call so he goes side to attend the call. Riddhima also started to leave. Just then she hear blast sound. She turned and see vansh's car blast.

Angre is slightly injured. vansh is safe as he is standing away from car to receive that call. Gaurds injured badly .Riddhima is horrified with this.

people and gaurds who are injured taken inside and received best treatment.

Police arrive and start investigation

Angre denies for treatment because he want to investigate matter by himself without any delay not even of 1 minute but vansh insist him so he agrees

Angre goes for treatment Vansh is also with him. Angre said to Nurse

An : my hand is injured in that blast

Riddhima aati hai and said to Nurse

R : I will treat him

Then she turn to Angre

R : Dikhaiye

Then Riddhima examine the wound and suggest for surgery. Angre is going to deny but vansh's one glare and he shut his mouth

After surgery Riddhima comes to Vansh ans said

R : Vo.... The....

Riddhima doesn't able to say anything. Riddhima closed her eyes take a breath thinking "What is his relation with me, he can't affect me" . Vansh staring at her. Riddhima said

R : surgery is completed. We can see exact condition when bandage will open.

V : ok

After investigation inspector comes to Vansh and

P : Hello Mr Raisinghnia

V : Hello inspector

P : blast ke silsile mein kuch bat karni hai....

V : ji kahiye

P : we had checked CCTV footage. By seeing that we are sure that Bomb is fixed before you come to hospital. Did you stop somewhere in your way

V : No

P : Then we can conclude that bomb was fixed in your car when it is parked in mansion. So it is possible that someone intrude in mansion or this work is done by your fam.....

Vansh cut him ni btw

V : don't you dare inspector

I : Please Mr Raisinghnia we want
your cooperation. That bomb was fixed in your car when it is in mansion. Rest is on you. You are intelligent to figure it out.

Saying this inspector went to complete his investigation. Vansh and Angre also leaves from there.

In treatment and surgery of injured people time passes and its evening Riddhima is tired so she decided to go home and she leaves

Riddhima and Sejal house

Riddhima reaches home . She is very tired so she said to Sejal

Ri : Yrr Seju I am tired. Please make a black coffee for me.

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