Chapter 4: I Am Here

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"THIRTEEN BEGIN THE EVACUATION! AND TRY CALLING THE SCHOOL! One of these villains must be jamming the sensors. There's a good chance one of their electric types is causing the interference." Aizawa glances back at Kaminari. "Kaminari try using your quirk to signal for help." The electric-blond gives him a thumbs up. "Got it" Runa's father stands next to Aizawa, the girl tries to follow him. "Runa, stay here." She shakes her head, "No! Dad, I can't just-" "THIS ISN'T UP FOR DISCUSSION RUNA! STAY THERE!!" Runa's eyes widen in shock, "He... yelled at me...?" She mutters quietly, Todoroki takes hold of her arm and drags her with them as they run towards the exit.

The warp gate appears in front of them. "Greetings, we are the League of Villains. Forgive our audacity but...  Today we've come here to U.A. high school this bastion of heroism... To end the lives of All Might the Symbol of Peace and Atom-A-Man... He's been a real thorn in our side for a while now. We were under the impression that All Might would be here today... but... It seems his schedule has been revised? Well... No matter. My role remains unchanged." Bakugou and Kirishima leap towards him, "NOT IF WE END YOU FIRST!" Bakugou yells, "Betcha didn't see that coming!" Kirishima adds on, however they phase right through the villain. "That was close.. Yes, students you may be, but you are the best of the best. Now... Begone." 

Runa feels the ground disappear from beneath her. She's hit with the sensation of falling before she's submerged underwater. She begins to sink to the bottom. "Shoot... My armour's weighing me down.." Her eyes widen, "Wait... water is matter, everything is made of matter... so I can just..." Runa focuses as the water around her begins to move, pushing her up to the surface as she moves her hand in the direction of the ship. Landing safely she coughs, the others stare at her in awe. "I didn't know you could do that Yasuda-san *kero*" Asui says, looking at her friend, Runa smiles, "Neither did I! I guess you really do learn something every day."

The water rises again as another person lands on the ship, soaking wet and drinking his water. "Wait- why did they send Tsu and Shimizu here?" Runa asks, "Yeah, that doesn't make sense unless..." Midoriya perks up, pointing to the sky with his index finger. "They must not know our quirks!" He exclaims. Runa nods, "Yeah, they've got us beat with numbers and experience, so we should take advantage of the fact that they don't know our quirks. Actually, we should probably explain them so we can come up with a plan. I'll start." Runa takes a deep breath. 

"My quirk is called Matter Control. In short, I basically have the universe at my fingertips. If it has mass then I can manipulate it. I can reshape things, I can also lower or increase the mass of things. But, the law of conservation of mass does apply. Matter cannot be created or destroyed, I also have to take into account how far the thing that I'm trying to manipulate is. Oh, this isn't part of my quirk, but I'm skilled in sword fighting and hand to hand combat."

Asui speaks next, "I can jump really high... and stick to walls... my tongue can stretch to a maximum of 20 meters. And I can spit up my stomach to clean it... I can also secrete a poisonous fluid... I say poisonous... but it really only stings a little. Those last two aren't useful, just forget them."

Midoriya looks at her surprised, "Wow, that's a great power, I really underestimated you... I guess I should tell my power now.. I have super-strength, but... immediately after using it... it messes me up.. my quirk is like a double-edged sword."

Mineta pulls one of the purple balls off of his head and sticks it to the wall. "It's really sticky. If I'm feeling good, it'll stick there all day. A new one will grow in the old one's place. But if I pick too many, I'll bleed. They bounce off my own body without sticking to me."

Everyone turns to Shimizu, who stays quiet for a moment before speaking. "Hydrokinesis... I can manipulate water, change its state of matter or temperature. I can shape it too... but I'll get dehydrated if I use it for too long."

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