Flustered {Tanjiro Kamado x Y/n(fem/neko!)}

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1st person (Y/n)'s Pov.

"It was kind of them to let us have a vacation," Tanjiro spoke as we watched the snow fall outside, for the next few days we had rented out a small cabin in the woods, just him and I. Nezuko is with Zenitsu and Inosuke is off to who knows where. 

"Yep! No slaying for the whole week," I added with a long stretch, unintentionally letting my sweatshirt rise to show a little skin as my tail twitched. Coming down from the stretch I fell back onto the couch with a long exhale and closed my eyes, especially since the last few weeks were so exhausting. My partner took a seat on the couch not far from me. 

"I wish you'd stop overworking yourself, Y/n," one of my ears twitched as I opened my eyes again.

"I'm not overworking myself," I defended as he scooted over closer to me, his body heat comforting me as I had been just a little chilly.  

"Doing more than enough work for three people worth of missions, offering to do more when you can barely stand, not leaving yourself enough time to eat. What does that sound like to you?" Since when was he so observant? I stared at him for a moment as my ears twitched again. 

"An overachiever," he did a quick exhale in a breathy 'heh' sound and I looked down as well as my ears lowered a little. I sat criss cross and shifted to face him more and opened my mouth to speak but when I felt a hand on my head the words caught in my throat, "T-tanj-"

"It's okay, I know you don't do it on purpose," his gentle fingers ran through my hair and occasionally grazed against either one of my ears, from past experiences he had learned that they can be really sensitive. An embarrassingly loud purr started to rumble from my throat as my heart pounded against my rib cage, naturally I gently pushed against his palm. I didn't bother trying to speak until my purr had died down, it can sometimes be challenging to talk while purring at the same time. When my eyes drifted closed I was too caught up in the pets to notice that he had shifted to face me as well, sitting criss cross. Tanjiro's right, I do overwork myself.  Slowly I started to nod off to sleep as I barely felt my forehead touch his shoulder, then I was out like a light.

~Small skip~ 

I don't know how long I was out for but it was still light out when I came to, it took me a moment to register that I was laying on top of somebody still on the couch. Tanjiro of course. By the sound of his soft snores I'd wager that he too had fallen asleep, I also found that I didn't want to move but that I probably should considering that my stomach is yelling at me. Pushing onto the couch for support but before I could push myself up too far an arm pulled me back down. 

"!" I looked at the sleeping boy in alarm as a bright hue of red spread across my face and then sighed. Giving in, I stayed in place for a little while longer before attempting to wake him up, "Tanjiro," I first whispered stupidly before raising my voice to talking level, "Tanjiro," no reaction. "Tanjiro wake up." After a few more attempts I pouted but didn't give up, next I decided to try poking him. In the arms, the neck, the cheek, the nose, etcetera, to my satisfaction this got some reaction out of him. 

"Mmmm," stopping my hand with his own still, not moving the one from around my back he mumbled, "whaddaya doing Sugar?" The temperature in my face sky-rocketed, S-sugar!? Wait then does he-? "Are you okay? You're really red Y/n," Tanjiro said a little more awake and moved his arm from my back, trying to calm myself down I made my escape. 

"Y-yeah just hungry!" I squeaked and dashed for the kitchen, once there I searched through the pre-stocked pantries and found some crackers. Opening the box I decided to sit on the floor just because I can, it's just a name so that doesn't mean that he likes me like that, right? But then he let me sleep on him, and we're really close friends! He couldn't possibly like someone like me, I overwork myself, being a slayer is my first priority and nothing else, except maybe trying not to die- but still! Maybe I'm overthinking it? 

"Why're you sitting on the floor? I'm sure it's cold down there," said boy snapped me out of my racing thoughts and I looked up with part of a cracker still in my mouth. 

"Because I can," I mumbled through the cracker making him chuckle and shake his head before joining me on the floor, raising an eyebrow I gave him a look, "didn't you just say it was cold down here?" 

"Yeah well somebody has to keep you warm," he smirked lightly, a rare thing for him and I felt the heat rise in my face again as I looked away shooting him a glare. He shifted around a little, "Y/n, I um, if I did something wrong or something you didn't like I just wanted to apologize. I'm kinda stupid when I'm tired, I really didn't mean to upset you," Tanjiro spoke and I looked to him in surprise and my ears reacted accordingly before I looked down again and started to fidget with my tail. 

"You.. you didn't do anything wrong Tanjiro, I'm just not used to stuff like that," I mumbled and he tiled his head. 

"Stuff like what? Sleeping?" Is he really that- whatever, he just woke up, I'll give him a break. 

"No, uh, the close contact, like that. When we were laying down," I forced myself not to stutter from embarrassment.  When I sneaked a glance at him he had his eyebrows furrowed, but just before I looked back down they unfurrowed in a look of realization. 

"Oh! That, I-I am so sorry, I should've asked first if that okay! B-but you were already asleep a-and you were just too cute!" He stammered suddenly in a flustered panic, is he blushing?  Is Tanjiro blushing? I blinked a few times in shock as I took in his words with my mouth slightly ajar, once he quieted down I closed my mouth and then opened it again. 

"I d-didn't mind it, I'm just not used to it. It was actually really nice," I managed to spit out, "I'm not upset," he sighed in relief as I saw the red hue on his face still present. 

"Thank god, I don't know what I would do if you were mad at me!" I hummed with a smile even though my heart was racing as I crunched on another cracker. 

"There's one more thing though.." I said hesitantly and he snapped back to attention, "you called me S-sugar?" 

"..I don't remember that... wait! Nevermind yes I do!" I looked up at him as he seemed to be having an internal crises, "I-it just slipped out!" Y'know, he looks cute on the regular but right now is even better. Munching on another cracker I ignored the heat in my face as I let him get it all out of his system. Based on his reaction and the very noticeable blush on his face maybe he does like me, I thought midchew as I stared up at the still rambling Tanjiro. Maybe I could just... finishing my cracker and setting down the box the boy seemed to calm down a bit. 

"Y/n?" I can't back down now, "h-hey what're you- mphh!" I had gently yet firmly grabbed onto one of his shoulders for support so I could match his height and then held the back of his neck with the other as my lips touched his, "Mmh! Mmm..." Obviously he was shocked and personally I shocked myself when I didn't pull away immediately and he melted into it. A few seconds later I  pulled away to see him relatively wide eyed with a loose jaw and I couldn't help but laugh a little. 

"Sorry, was that too forward?" I let go of him and slumped back down. 

"Uh n-no, no! I- wait- we- you- um." He seemed stuck for words much to my amusement, "C-can we do that again?" 

"Sure," leaning down a little he gently held the side of my head in one hand as my eyes drifted closed, using his other hand he gently tilted my chin up a little before his lips collided with mine for the second time in a short and sweet kiss. When we separated a content smile was left on my lips as I looked up at him again, "So does that mean that you feel the same way?" He practically beamed at my question. 

"I do! Or- something similar anyway, I believe that love is different for everybody! But yes Sugar, I do love you," moving forward I hugged him, mostly just to hide the bright blush on my face, and that the floor was cold like he had said.  

"Good, because I love you too!" Tanjiro chuckled softly and hugged back. 


Word count: 1566

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