7 Minutes They Said {Izuku Midoriya x Y/n (fem!)}

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1st person (Y/n Pov)

It was a relaxing Friday evening at the UA student dorms after a long day of hero and school stuff for class A-2. Well it was relaxing as I walked past the commons and into the kitchen for a glass of water, but I was stopped by the one and only pink alien queen known as Mina. 

"Y/n! Just the girl I was looking for!" When she didn't elaborate I raised an eyebrow and questioned her.

"What for..?" I was just hoping to slip in and out then back to my dorm for the rest of the night, with my quirk: (your choice) and all I'm not very social. 

"We're playing seven minutes in heaven! Everybody else is playing so you should too!" She explained as I almost choked on the water I was sipping from my glass, seven minutes in heaven!? No fucking way, nu-uh, nope, no thanks, not happening. 

"Uh, no thanks Mina," I politely shook my head and her enthusiasm dimmed just a bit.

"Aww why? Even Bakugou is playing!" She whined as I gulped down the last of the water before rinsing it out and put it back. 

"Becauseee," I copied her tone, "I don't want to, and you guys all know each other so much better. I'm still relatively new," it was a lame excuse but was true, but she wasn't having any of it.

"C'mon, it won't be that bad! Just seven minutes!" Yeah.. per person. "And~ if you play we can go out for ice cream!" Since when did she know I loved ice cream!? My eyes slid to the side as I contemplated my choices, damn Mina and her bribery. So with a sigh, I caved. 

"Fine... fine I'll play your game."

"Yaayy!" She squealed like the child she was and I could already see the cogs turning in her head about different ships no doubt. 

~ Time Skip ~

Taking a seat around the circle of students sitting on the floor I sat in between Ururaka and Hagakure and across from Midoriya. Once I was comfortable I looked up to see that the green haired boy was looking at me, I offered a smile which he returned once it seemed he came back to his senses. Was he staring at me? Why? I knew Midoriya before I came to UA, we aren't childhood friends or anything but we've known each other for just over two years. So I kinda hope that it's him I spend that seven minutes with. 

The temperature in my face rose just a bit as I looked at the floor in front of me when I averted my eyes, a stoic look remained on my face until someone poked my shoulder, "So you and Deku~?" Ururaka wiggled her eyebrows as I looked at her, despite my stoic look I felt my face turn  a light shade of red. She squealed quietly when I didn't respond.

"Shut up," I said bluntly as the hat with different personal items in it was passed around, it was Tsyu's turn and she pulled out a raven keychain. 

"That's me," Tokoyami said after a second, they'd make a cute couple. I thought as they both stood up. 

"Okay *ribbit* come on," they walked to the closet where Kaminari stood with a timer.

"Alright, seven minutes starts, now!" He said as soon as the door closed, it was mostly quiet as small movements were heard and some mumbling but it was too quiet for anybody to really decipher. The seven minutes went by pretty quickly and the hat moved around. A very reluctant Bakugou drew an item that belonged to Kirishima, ooh's passed around the circle which were silenced by the noisy blonde himself.

"Shut the hell up or you're all dead!!" He yelled before grumbling, "Let's get this over with Shitty-hair." The sounds from the closet this time were a little louder, most from Bakugou but it was a bit surprising to say the least. 

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