Chapter 2

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"Are you sure he won't get ya know... sick?" Mystras asked, getting off his horse. The others soon followed suit, with Piprika helping the still tied up boy off of Sinbad's horse. The pale skinned male just glared at her, not able to say much since he still had the cloth over his mouth. Mystras snickered to the look. "Or maybe he already is sick. I mean, look at him. He's all skin and bones, barely any muscle and his skin is like looking at a ghost." Sinbad sighed, setting his hand over the boy's head.

"Trust me, you best not underestimate this guy. He caught me off guard and threw me around like I was some rag doll." The violet haired pirate looked down at the white haired boy, who seemingly blushed but didn't react in any other way.

"Such a perfect way of flirting. I like your style, kid; I should use it on Piprika." Mystras giggled when the black haired girl blushed in embarrassment and anger. She shot a glare at her partner before turning away and walking to her horse. "Aww, someone's a little embarrassed over here~" Suddenly a knife was thrown directly at Mystras, only flying to the tree behind him. He blinked, unfazed for a moment before looking back at the knife.

"Shut up before I decide to aim." Piprika threatened, her face not exactly reflecting her words or actions as she tried to hold in a laugh from her friend's reaction. "Gullible." She mumbled.

"Look at this hair though, it's like snow! It's so soft too!" Sin suddenly interrupted the love quarrel quickly, knowing which way it would end from experience. Mystras, regaining his composure from the threat, set his hands on his hips, laughing.

"Speak for yourself, unique colored haired freak. Like, how many times have we come across a purple haired pirate in our lives?" he inquired, humming slightly as he placed his index finger under her chin. His gaze never once left the boys, though.

"Well, there's Hina-"

"-Hina and I come from a tribe that has hair that's blue, while you didn't even come from a tribe with purple hair." Piprika intercepted. The violet haired pirate slouched, deciding to drop the conversation and look at the pale boy. It was at that moment that he noticed something, the boy's eyes were wide with happiness. This was a kidnapping, right? Not some rescue mission. Yet still, the boy seemed relieved and happy. He stared up at the night sky, staring at the stars above. He tensed up when Sin lifted him back up and set him back on his horse.

"Anyone have a spare set of shoes?" He asked, taking the boys' feet and examining them. Mystras had made a good point when he mentioned about the boy getting sick and all. He needed warmer clothing, too.

"What size?" Mystras replied, searching through his bag attached to his horse's saddle. The golden eyed male brushed his thumb over the boys foot, gaining a flinch in return. It probably tickled. "Sinnn~ we're not gonna stand here all day for you to flirt with the kid." Sinbad, gaining back his composure, chuckled. He actually examined the pale feet this time.

"Hmm. About a size 5 in women's." He answered, to which, Mystras threw a pair of shoes at him. They hit him over the head, gaining a whimper from the apparent dog. "So rude...~" He murmured, taking the shoes and slipping them on the boy's feet. The boy frowned as the shoes were a little big and almost slipped off his feet but overall they fit. He reached up to his mouth, hands still tied, and pulled down the cloth.

"Jafar." He said, getting off the horse and handing the cloth to Sinbad, who made a questioning look. "My name." He explained further, and Everyone nodded. "And for your information I am not a child. I am 18-"

"Child." Mystras chirped in, sticking his tongue out at him. Piprika hit him over his head with a hard smack. "Ow...." Jafar sighed, turning back to Sinbad.

"I won't make any unnecessary noise, so please do not use that cloth on me." He practically begged, with the look in his eyes like he was reliving a memory of his. It was probably a dark one. Sin nodded, not questioning it and looked around. The sun was coming up, meaning that it would be easier to spot them. Not knights, but them.

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